Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Celebrate July 4th With The Sun: Affordable Yet Independent From The Electric Grid

Happy July 4th! The Day of Independence is worth celebrating in the best possible way with excessive festivity and fun. Sometimes, such a celebration may come in a complicated manner because of its costliness and dependence on the grid. No one is secured from power outages or blackouts on July 4th, and no one can guarantee financial stability on that day. However, something should be done to bypass unguaranteed occasions.


You may not believe it, but facts show that just a small shift in a lifestyle is the way out. Considering today’s concentration on renewable energy consumption like solar, in-depth research has been conducted on understanding why solar energy is trending nowadays. Results showed that the sun’s energy prevents the occurrence of power outages or blackouts and provides financial stability & security. This means that with solar power, July 4th will pass smoothly because we will be provided with constant electricity despite circumstances and financial stability despite fluctuating expenditures. So, let’s proceed with the article and see how the sun’s energy is capable of doing so much good.

Independent From The Electric Grid

Power outages and blackouts are a common problem with fossil fuel energy. Solar power doesn’t have such issues. Why is that so? Because solar energy may be supplied through equipment called solar panel systems that operate off-grid. This means that photovoltaic panels work grid-independent, letting people enjoy consuming energy upon demand no matter the circumstances. Imagine frying hot dogs, electrifying your house, and just making use of power to any possible extent and have no interruptions connected with the electric grid. Plus, no matter how much energy you consume on that day, you will still have power for later use upon demand because the power of the sun is inexhaustible. Yes, it’s limitless as it gets supplied all day long. Moreover, whenever solar panels generate excess solar power, that gets conserved in a home battery that usually comes with home solar panel kits – a bundle of solar equipment at a lower price representing an effective collection. Thanks to the home battery, people get the possibility of not being worried about being out of energy despite the occasion, time of the day, and needs. It turns out that independence from the electric grid is the number one benefit of solar power that provides consumers with independence to use it endlessly with the help of supplementary equipment.


Affordable & Profitable

Well-well, independence from the electric grid is great. Still, finances get wasted on July 4th, which is a threat to the economy. Even though one day is nothing to degrade the economy of the state, but considering the number of people that party on July 4th, the economy can be threatened for real. Solar energy can help people bypass such a situation. Equipment supplying the sun’s energy is affordable to purchase. The reason behind its affordability lies in options for financing the purchase, like leasing. Alongside, the sustaining of solar power is affordable, too, because monthly fixed payments are incremental and stable – no fluctuations happen throughout the year in month-to-month provision. Great news! If you decide to go solar this July 4, the solar panel system costs $444 less than usual only this year. This is a gift from Nevada Solar Group to you on the Day of Independence – this is what happens when you choose your company among the best solar panel companies.


Okay, affordability is cool, but the profitability that comes with solar energy is a blessing! Profitability is all we need in our daily lives, right? Imagine what a heaven life will be if you have the opportunity to get income meanwhile consuming power. As mentioned above, a home battery stores excess energy in it for later use upon demand. In the case of not using all of the conserved power, consumers have the opportunity to sell the extra energy back to the grid for a certain amount of money. Income! Also, solar power may become an incentive to become an investor. By purchasing solar equipment and consuming solar energy alongside following solar news, you have the opportunity to catch your chance and make an investment in solar stocks. Money will come with ease!

Final Note

Don’t hesitate to switch to solar energy because independence from the grid and financial stability & security are perks that each of you deserve. Imagine how enjoyable your life will get with such valuable shifts in your lifestyle. Not to mention, in the long-term, you will be one of the leading contributors to the development of the country, the country that got independent on July 4th.

Go Solar and Make Your Country Stronger.

The author of a publication: Veronika Abrahamyan

The post Celebrate July 4th With The Sun: Affordable Yet Independent From The Electric Grid appeared first on Nevada Solar Group.


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