Friday, June 25, 2021

Rooftop Solar Potential Of Nevada

What do people need is having everything in a consistent manner, without fluctuations. Basic needs like electricity fit into the list of things that they want to be constant. But besides regularity, people look for sustainability these days. That means that they want to combine sustainability and regularity for electricity. Let me tell you that it is possible with renewable resources available to humanity. In every corner of the world, solar energy is trending as a renewable resource for electricity. However, some parts of the world, like Nevada, face problems with solar power supply due to economic problems. That is why, to bypass economic issues and maintain solar energy as an inseparable part of Nevada, it passed a clean energy bill that required the state to join RTO. Great idea to boost economic growth and maintain solar power all over the state. Let’s go ahead and see how everything works in this situation.

Clean Energy Bill Is Passed

Recently, on June 2nd, the Nevada legislature passed a clean energy bill intending to drive the construction of a colossal transmission project up. Coupled with that, the passing of the clean energy bill followed the goal of increasing EV infrastructure payments. Indeed, most importantly, the procedure required Nevada to join RTO with a deadline of 2030. Thanks to such a happening, a 525-kilovolt project called Greenlink Nevada will be completed that will have the capability of connecting the whole state. Even though the aim of such a project is hovering around electric vehicles, who said that other uses of solar power cannot be utilized upon the project completion? As Western Resource Advocates’ attorney stated, “This could give Nevada access to huge amounts of renewables that are currently not able to reach the grid because of transmission constraints.” So, with this project Nevada will, indeed, be able to upgrade its solar potential in many solar-related aspects, including for instance the solar roofing. If you are wondering whether such an upgrade will make reaching the decarbonized state a possibility for Nevada, then, let me cite the Western Resource Advocates’ attorney one more time. He stated, “This is the only path forward to a fully decarbonized Nevada.” Turns out, this huge project is massive not only in terms of its size but also its solar potential.


Rooftop Solar Potential

Research shows that rooftop solar potential in Nevada is huge. This comes from the availability of large areas of vacant rooftops that have the potential for solar panel roof installation. On May 7th, the Gemini Solar project got launched with an aim to maximize the connection of solar power to Nevada. Taking the state as a whole, the project concentrated on each and every possible way of sun’s energy utilization, including a possible photovoltaic (PV) panel installation on rooftops. The directors of the project took into consideration the number of available rooftops for such projects and proposed a way of a possible implementation of solar panel systems on rooftops or simply solar shingles on them. Let’s see what the Gemini Solar project proposed regarding rooftop solar.


Say No To Net-Metering Restrictions

Revising the net-metering restrictions circulating in Nevada is a possibility to implement solar projects on rooftops across the state. The thing is that net metering provides consumers the opportunity to get credits for consuming the sun’s energy. Indeed, currently operating net-metering policies are gradually declining with each new solar consumer that installs a PV panel system on the rooftop. As credits drop, the desire of other customers to go solar goes away. The state takes an incentive from possible customers and makes the solar industry less desirable for people. In the case of revising the net-metering restrictions and come to a policy that balances the pros and cons of net-metering for the state and solar consumers, Nevada will grow as a state with considerable solar potential.


Final Note

Going solar is sustainable and comes without fluctuations if compared to other resources for electricity other than the sun. Indeed, states like Nevada may go for operations and projects that are capable of hindering the solar potential of a particular state. Two projects implemented in 2021 recently, including Greenlink Nevada and Gemini Solar, are moving the state towards upgrading its solar potential by growing the number of solar consumers based on two key points. First, the Greenlink Nevada project proposes passing a clean energy bill to make the state join RTO by 2030 and implement the 525-kilovolt solar project. Such a step forward will spread solar all over the state and link Nevada to solar for good. Second, Gemini Solar, by complimenting Greenlink Nevada and proposing solar implementation on rooftops besides EVs, aims at maximizing the number of solar consumers by 2030. They see the maximization happening with the change in net-metering policy. In the case of revising the procedure and making it equally beneficial for the state and the solar consumer, Nevada will shine bright as one of the most solar states.

The author of a publication: Veronika Abrahamyan

The post Rooftop Solar Potential Of Nevada appeared first on Nevada Solar Group.


Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Celebrate July 4th With The Sun: Affordable Yet Independent From The Electric Grid

Happy July 4th! The Day of Independence is worth celebrating in the best possible way with excessive festivity and fun. Sometimes, such a celebration may come in a complicated manner because of its costliness and dependence on the grid. No one is secured from power outages or blackouts on July 4th, and no one can guarantee financial stability on that day. However, something should be done to bypass unguaranteed occasions.


You may not believe it, but facts show that just a small shift in a lifestyle is the way out. Considering today’s concentration on renewable energy consumption like solar, in-depth research has been conducted on understanding why solar energy is trending nowadays. Results showed that the sun’s energy prevents the occurrence of power outages or blackouts and provides financial stability & security. This means that with solar power, July 4th will pass smoothly because we will be provided with constant electricity despite circumstances and financial stability despite fluctuating expenditures. So, let’s proceed with the article and see how the sun’s energy is capable of doing so much good.

Independent From The Electric Grid

Power outages and blackouts are a common problem with fossil fuel energy. Solar power doesn’t have such issues. Why is that so? Because solar energy may be supplied through equipment called solar panel systems that operate off-grid. This means that photovoltaic panels work grid-independent, letting people enjoy consuming energy upon demand no matter the circumstances. Imagine frying hot dogs, electrifying your house, and just making use of power to any possible extent and have no interruptions connected with the electric grid. Plus, no matter how much energy you consume on that day, you will still have power for later use upon demand because the power of the sun is inexhaustible. Yes, it’s limitless as it gets supplied all day long. Moreover, whenever solar panels generate excess solar power, that gets conserved in a home battery that usually comes with home solar panel kits – a bundle of solar equipment at a lower price representing an effective collection. Thanks to the home battery, people get the possibility of not being worried about being out of energy despite the occasion, time of the day, and needs. It turns out that independence from the electric grid is the number one benefit of solar power that provides consumers with independence to use it endlessly with the help of supplementary equipment.


Affordable & Profitable

Well-well, independence from the electric grid is great. Still, finances get wasted on July 4th, which is a threat to the economy. Even though one day is nothing to degrade the economy of the state, but considering the number of people that party on July 4th, the economy can be threatened for real. Solar energy can help people bypass such a situation. Equipment supplying the sun’s energy is affordable to purchase. The reason behind its affordability lies in options for financing the purchase, like leasing. Alongside, the sustaining of solar power is affordable, too, because monthly fixed payments are incremental and stable – no fluctuations happen throughout the year in month-to-month provision. Great news! If you decide to go solar this July 4, the solar panel system costs $444 less than usual only this year. This is a gift from Nevada Solar Group to you on the Day of Independence – this is what happens when you choose your company among the best solar panel companies.


Okay, affordability is cool, but the profitability that comes with solar energy is a blessing! Profitability is all we need in our daily lives, right? Imagine what a heaven life will be if you have the opportunity to get income meanwhile consuming power. As mentioned above, a home battery stores excess energy in it for later use upon demand. In the case of not using all of the conserved power, consumers have the opportunity to sell the extra energy back to the grid for a certain amount of money. Income! Also, solar power may become an incentive to become an investor. By purchasing solar equipment and consuming solar energy alongside following solar news, you have the opportunity to catch your chance and make an investment in solar stocks. Money will come with ease!

Final Note

Don’t hesitate to switch to solar energy because independence from the grid and financial stability & security are perks that each of you deserve. Imagine how enjoyable your life will get with such valuable shifts in your lifestyle. Not to mention, in the long-term, you will be one of the leading contributors to the development of the country, the country that got independent on July 4th.

Go Solar and Make Your Country Stronger.

The author of a publication: Veronika Abrahamyan

The post Celebrate July 4th With The Sun: Affordable Yet Independent From The Electric Grid appeared first on Nevada Solar Group.


Friday, June 11, 2021

Just Like Renewable Energy, Tesla Powerwall Is Rechargeable

What is that one thing that the world strives towards? Sustainability! People search for ways to live as sustainably as possible. One of these ways that most of them take is switching to renewable energy consumption from fossil fuels. Considering the amount of carbon dioxide fossil fuels emit, it is a smart decision contributing to environmental friendliness these days. Even though such a switch may seem too abrupt and inconvenient, renewable energy consumption has its perks. One of the trendy renewable energy sources is the solar one that can be accessed through a solar panel system. In the case of photovoltaic (PV) panel systems, home batteries like Tesla Powerwall come alongside solar panels. These provide people with the opportunity to store excessively generated electricity either for later use upon demand or sale to the utility company. Either way that is a benefit to die for! Saving money, storing energy, living a sustainable lifestyle – what do we need more? Maybe a rechargeable home battery? Good news! The Tesla Powerwall is rechargeable.


Tesla Powerwall Energy Plan Upgrade

No wonder that Elon Musk is leading the market with day-to-day innovations and updates in the industry. This time, the update is connected with Tesla Powerwall specs, and you will love it. Powerwall software version 21.13.2 got released alongside the Tesla App version 3.10.12 with the best features beyond any expectations. If before these people loved Tesla Powerwall, after these, they’d adore it. Let me list 3 updates that come as blessings.


  1. People who are already familiar with Tesla Powerwall know that as soon as it reaches a low charge level, there comes the need to minimize home loans. Indeed, sometimes it gets out of control. With the update, as soon as it reaches a low charge level, home loads get automatically reduced due to a push notification.
  2. System issues – aspects that get on the nerves of the consumer. With the updated version, customers have the opportunity to monitor the equipment’s functioning thanks to additional troubleshooting features and notifications specifically designed for solar-only sites.
  3. If you have already used Powerwall before, then be ready to have improved backup-period behavior. Indeed, if you are thinking about buying a Tesla Powerwall just now, then go for it as bugs of the previous version are in the past. You will solely get the updated and upgraded one; congratulations!

Updated Version – Higher Rechargeability

As long as it is evident, all the updates and upgrades in the new version will bounce up Tesla Powerwall’s rechargeability feature. Being a home battery capable of powering up your home during power outages, peak times, day & night, it has the capability of being recharged either from the grid or the sun.


With the new upgrade, the battery has perfected its rechargeability prospects. Monitored and mindful energy conservation will lead to abundant energy supply during power outages. That means no worries about power outages at any time of the day for any length of time. Tesla Powerwall takes care!

The author of a publication: Veronika Abrahamyan

The post Just Like Renewable Energy, Tesla Powerwall Is Rechargeable appeared first on Nevada Solar Group.


Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Show Your Dad You Care Too: Going Solar Is A Financial Relief

Support, comfort, advice – fathers give these to us. Indeed, what we get from them until getting financially independent is money. That is not a secret that in a family, dad is the one financially sustaining family members. Of course, lifestyles differ, but most of the time, that is the case. Whatsoever, considering the extent of the financial burden that these superheroes carry all year long, they deserve a gift compensating what they give plus relieving the financial burden. Considering that these days the world thrives towards environmental sustainability, it is of utmost importance to contribute to it and ensure the sustainability of the gift. You may be surprised, but the solar panel system is the choice to go for. Even though it is a piece of environmentally friendly equipment in the first place, it is beyond financially relieving. How is that even possible? Let’s proceed with the article to see how such a thing is possible and what the ways of reaching financial profitability with solar power are.

Cut Monthly Expenses In Half With Solar

Have you ever paid attention to how much your dad gets nervous when that time of the month comes? The time when he needs to pay utility bills, but they turn out to exceed the expected amount. That is the worst feeling ever to expect something and get a totally different thing. In such situations, we, children, start thinking about how we can help our dads to relieve the financial burden each month. Of course, paying for them won’t work because they basically won’t let us do that. Instead, we have the chance to give something on Father’s Day and achieve our goal of relieving their financial burden. Giving a solar panel system as a gift is one option of doing so. With a photovoltaic (PV) panel system, we access the energy of the sun – an inexhaustible resource that never stops being generated. To pay for a resource that is basically limitless, we just need to prepare a small amount of money for the fixed monthly costs, and that’s it. Nothing more! The thing is that the solar panel system functions in favor of the customer. With the help of PV panels and batteries, excessively generated energy gets stored for later use upon demand. Throughout the month, extra energy accumulates, which aids the consumption of the excess energy and helps overcome generating a new amount. Such an operating scheme of the PV panel system is capable of cutting monthly expenses in half and relieving the financial burden your dad carries every month.


Income Doubles With Solar

Descending from the point regarding cutting electricity bills in half, what about making them almost disappear? Why not if it is possible with solar power consumption? Solar panel companies like LA Solar Group partner with utility companies to provide their customers with the opportunity to sell excess energy back to the electric grid. The scheme that solar panel systems operate with is useful both in saving money and generating income. When energy gets accumulated in a solar panel battery, it is not necessary to consume what is stored. In the case of proper monitoring of power consumption, it is possible to leave some portion for sale. At the end of each month, if excess energy still remains unconsumed, customers can sell it back to the electric grid at a price available at that particular period. Imagine how happy your dad will be when he realizes that energy gets consumed while money gets generated!


The Gift Your Dad Deserves

So far, from the financial point of view, a solar panel system seems the perfect gift for Father’s Day to your dad. Even though financial-wise, it may seem too much for you to handle, thanks to financing options a solar panel company provides, you are ensured to afford it no matter the circumstances. What if I tell you that in the case of buying it from LA Solar Group and its sister companies, you get another gift for FREE? Yes, you read it right! The company offers Nest Thermostat as a compliment to your purchase on such a special occasion like Father’s Day is. Imagine how delightful it would be to double the present and show your dad how much you care. By the way, no need to tell your dad that it is a complimentary gift from the company. Just prepare the present and display the love and care he deserves!


Final Note

It is essential to always remember the love and care your dad has given to you throughout all these years. If you didn’t have a chance of giving at least some part of it back, then this is your chance! Prepare the best gift for your dad on this special Father’s Day. Taking into account that financial gifts are the best for dads, consider giving the feeling of financial relief – a solar panel system. With such a gift, you give your dad the opportunity to cut monthly electricity bills in half. Above all, you make simultaneous energy consumption and income generation possible thanks to the beneficial scheme that PV panel systems work with. Don’t miss out on the opportunity of preparing one present and getting another as a compliment. Buy a solar panel system as a gift and get a Nest Thermostat with it. You will be surprised to see your dad that happy and fulfilled.

Show your dad you care too!

The author of a publication: Veronika Abrahamyan

The post Show Your Dad You Care Too: Going Solar Is A Financial Relief appeared first on Nevada Solar Group.


Nevada Solar Plans: Huge Solar Array North of Las Vegas

Nevada is home to some of the brightest sun available. It’s only natural that it is considered an excellent renewable energy source. For tha...