Friday, October 22, 2021

Nevada Solar Plans: Huge Solar Array North of Las Vegas

Nevada is home to some of the brightest sun available. It’s only natural that it is considered an excellent renewable energy source. For that purpose, it’s a great place to install and benefit from the unique plus sides of Solar Panels. There have been many attempts to create large PV arrays in Las Vegas and some with enormous power. Even though solar energy is abundantly available, so much PV energy is still not being captured. The key to that is solar arrays. 

Solar Arrays in Las Vegas


Although there have been Nevada solar farm projects that have been scrapped, many are worth mentioning and discussing further. For example, one huge solar power plant Nevada has is Crescent Dunes. It spans over acres of the Nevada desert. They created it after a large sum of 1 billion dollars was gathered to make it come to life. It was the world’s first concentrated solar plant as it used molten salt to store energy. It has an unimaginable size. 

There is also the Burning Man Project. Developers called it the “solar mountains”, and it will span over 1,600 hectares in the form of a fly ranch. This system would generate 300,000 kWh in clean energy per year. It is a project that the masses hoped would come to life soon.

What are the most prominent Solar Farms in Las Vegas?


The Gemini project is a 7000 acre 690 MW solar array. It is Nevada’s largest solar farm as of now. It is so massive that it can power 260,000 homes. That is incomprehensible when you consider the size. It will also include a battery storage system for the hours that the sun is not shining. This project is the switch to solar in Nevada that we needed to hit the goals set by the state for renewable energy using solar energy exporting. 

The biggest solar array in Las Vegas is The Battle Born Solar Project. The developers planned for it to be 850 megawatts and spans 9,200 acres of land about 50 miles northeast of Las Vegas. They scrapped The Battle Born project due to residents finding it an eye-sore and not convenient as they thought it would deter tourists from visiting sculptures in the nearby area. They also claimed it would hinder hiking, camping and driving off-way vehicles. It was a shame since, as of now, renewables make up 28% of the total energy production of Nevada’s utility-scale, and it would’ve helped to hit the 50% goal that they have set to hit by 2030. 

Overall, many projects in Nevada are worth praise. Their goals for renewable energy for the state’s electricity production are commendable. With time, the state of solar in Nevada can only get better.

The post Nevada Solar Plans: Huge Solar Array North of Las Vegas appeared first on Nevada Solar Group.


Saturday, October 16, 2021

Where does Global warming show off more? What State would it ruin first?

Global warming has increasingly been becoming the most prominent and dangerous environmental issue nowadays. Taking a look at the climate change in the US 2020 statistics, we have had a destructive year. It marked the highest annual increase in concentrations of methane, a potent climate-changing gas. As the temperature rises, with statistics differentiating in a total of 1.18C degrees between now and 1880. The need for clean, renewable energy becomes more obvious not only as a financially friendly option but as a genuine contribution to the greater good. So what does this exactly mean for the population, and what are the global warming impacts on the United States.


What Would States Be Impacted Most?


It’s all depending on what type of impact we are referencing. As research suggests, southern states will have the most economic impact from global WarmingWarming. For example, Texas, Florida and other southern states. As for the impact made by sea-level rise, it would be states near the coast such as San Francisco, Texas, etc. Additionally, there will also be an impact in the form of heat waves. It has been taking place more frequently and for more extended periods in the US since the 19th century. It is devastating news for states that have warmer climates, such as Las Vegas. For this purpose going solar in Las Vegas is a great idea to reap the benefits of sunlight and combat global warming. In some cases, Geothermal energy is used as well.


How Is Going Solar A Good Idea?


Clean, renewable energy such as solar energy is the best option to prevent the disaster due to global warming. It is a fact that states have taken into account. For this purpose, there are many government-based incentives provided for solar projects. Renewable energy resources in Nevada are a great route to take. It cuts down your emissions per household by a reasonable amount. You can also reduce your carbon footprint and know that you’re doing your best to combat the outcome of global warming. It’s also a great option financially as the prices for fossil fuel-based energy is on the rise and will be hard to keep up in the long run. 


Overall, global warming is a difficult thing to combat, but it is manageable with most of the world on the same page. Everyone has to be considerate and do their best to be eco-friendly, recycle and possibly invest in solar power to better our environment. This way, we can all live in a healthy atmosphere.

The post Where does Global warming show off more? What State would it ruin first? appeared first on Nevada Solar Group.


Saturday, October 9, 2021

Enphase Battery Is the Clue to the Never-Ending Renewable Energy

If you want to buy solar panels in Las Vegas, you have most likely already researched solar panel systems. You already know what benefits having an off-grid system have. It gives you unceasing renewable energy sources and helps reduce the usage of natural gas. A backup battery characterizes an off-grid system. Its main benefit is the support it can give you during a storm or a grid outage. There are a lot of different battery storage options on the market. Still, one of the most installed batteries, we’d want to do a deep dive into the Enphase battery storage system, especially if you are looking into alternative energy for Las Vegas, Nevada.


What Are Some Of The Plus Sides Of Enphase Batteries?


Enphase batteries are scalable to fit your particular energy needs. Additionally, the all-in-one solar energy storage system helps create a user-friendly experience for homes. You can use it for monitoring and reporting as well. The batteries use a sophisticated technology for Enphase microinverters to create a fail-safe storage option. They’re made for maximum reliability by using multiple microinverters and distributing them. If one of them fails, it can still power your home with no problems. This provides you with freedom from the electricity grid and the ability to produce and store your excess energy for later use.


Enphase batteries are manufactured differently by using the safest battery chemistry available. They are perfect for residential solar installation services for homes. Besides, such power units are created to offer peak performance. Having designed intelligent functions that make it easier for the homeowner to maximize the use of their battery, provides the user with storage efficiency.


24/7 Renewable Energy With Backup Storage


Enphase batteries have a lot of differentiating factors that help with the endeavour of having 24/7 green energy. The ability to limit the use of stored energy in certain aspects of your usage is one of those key points that help maximize storage and usage. Photovoltaics and electricity long-term
benefits for Nevada are extensive, when taking the weather into account. Considering that factor, one use of the Enphase batteries is their enhanced reliability. It’s a system that ensures your backup storage.


Overall, if you are considering investing in storage systems, Enphase batteries have various types and give you the option to scale up and down to fit your energy usage needs. The architecture used in manufacturing such power units is exceptionally innovative and fits every household’s needs with extra customization available. It can provide you with an endless supply of energy throughout your solar journey.

The post Enphase Battery Is the Clue to the Never-Ending Renewable Energy appeared first on Nevada Solar Group.


Friday, October 1, 2021

Switch to Solar in Nevada, Las Vegas. What Problems Can the Weather Cause?

Nevada is one of the best states to switch to solar energy. It’s famous for its always shining sun. To take full advantage of that sun, these are some reasons to switch to solar in Las Vegas. This blog will talk about the Nevada solar incentives and the offered rebates, the weather in Las Vegas, and what it means for Solar.

Due to the rise of weather issues in Nevada, climate threats have arisen. Amidst the extreme heat and longer seasons, you should consider going solar in Las Vegas.

Destructive Weather in Las Vegas and How to Take Action

Although Las Vegas has sunny weather most of the time, it is not a secret that, at times, the weather is severe and destructive. Las Vegas is at risk for flash floods, as well as there being cases of extreme winds. It can cause uprooting trees that block streets. The visibility can be reduced to nothing, as well as there being widespread power outages. The winds can reach 80 mph and cause power poles to snap. The winds are new to the weather in Las Vegas. The first occurrence of this in recent years was July of 2021. Before that, the last occurrence was in 2018. To take action against this, you can switch to solar to have a backup of solar energy stored in case of storms and power outages


Solar Power Incentives in Nevada and Why You Should Switch to Solar



The 2021 Nevada Solar Incentives offer solar access rights as well as a federal solar tax credit. The solar access laws protect your right to generate your electricity with solar panels, as well as your right to install the panels. No other contract can get in the way of you installing solar panels, for example, HOA bylaws (homeowner’s association bylaws). As for the federal solar tax credit, you can reduce the cost of your PV solar energy system by 26 percent with the help of the ITC (Investment Tax credit). Just make sure you are aware that the ITC only works if you buy your PV system with either a solar loan or a cash purchase. All this can ensure that anyone wants to switch to solar.


What is Offered By the NV Energy Net Metering Policy?


The Nevada legislature passed legislation regarding net metering rates. Due to that legislation, the Nv energy net metering rates are as follows. It has 4 tiers, and as time goes by, the rates fall. It means that the faster you invest in your solar panels, the faster you can get a slice of the rebates that are offered here.


NV energy customers (formerly known as the Nevada power payback program) can receive credit up to 95% of the retail electricity rate for excess stored solar energy. As more people sign with NV energy, the rates will keep decreasing among the tiers until hitting the minimum credit value of 75% of the retail rate.

Overall, Nevada makes it very easy for you to switch to solar. The sun is always shining, and excess solar energy can even cover the cost of your electricity if you decide to partake in the net metering policies offered. And with the implementation of the solar power incentives, the answer seems obvious, switch to solar! It also helps with the worsening climate in Las Vegas, and making use of the weather.

The post Switch to Solar in Nevada, Las Vegas. What Problems Can the Weather Cause? appeared first on Nevada Solar Group.


Nevada Solar Plans: Huge Solar Array North of Las Vegas

Nevada is home to some of the brightest sun available. It’s only natural that it is considered an excellent renewable energy source. For tha...