Friday, August 27, 2021

Solar is Threatened: Why?

Solar has been the trendy source of energy that most people go for. However, it started declining in popularity for some reason. Investors like Todd Miller who started their solar installation businesses, achieved success at first. However, in the case of Todd Miller, four years after a prosperous operation in the solar industry, success started deviating from him, although the company has grown in size. The reason behind his stop in business’s progression is the state Legislature that may have happened to restrict operations of solar companies as businesses. That is, solar energy is threatened in the state, or as we can put it, solar power is at risk. Why should the state Legislature announce such things? Let’s proceed with the article to explore and understand.

What Stands Behind the Solar Shutdown?

As it is known, a recent trend among people worldwide about being sustainable and consuming renewable resources started declining. Todd Miller’s business drop is one example of how solar initiatives fall in popularity and prosperity. What stands behind the solar shutdown is a utility that takes care of alternative energy installation through wind turbines in large quantities. Wind energy brings up the change in the solar industry through the shift in the mindset of lawmakers. Indeed, the competition between wind and solar powers is suspicious as for a considerably long time, these two renewables have been friendly twins.


Will Solar Be Cancelled?

The truth is that wind farms are getting built at a rapid pace without considering the driving force to go for wind energy. If in the case of pros and cons of solar energy, pros exceed cons with a considerable margin, wind energy doesn’t come with that excellent pros to attract a massive quantity of people. For instance, the phenomenon of having the opportunity to generate excess power through a solar panel battery and sell the unconsumed, extra energy back to the grid lures consumers. The concern with this solar energy benefit is that if lawmakers make prices for solar systems drop, the solar industry will start suffering. State Sen. Joe Bolkcom mentioned, “At a time when we’re being ravaged by extreme weather events that are the result of a warming planet and climate change, we should be thanking people, businesses, farmers and homeowners that have taken it upon themselves to produce some carbon-free energy where they live and work.” These words correspond to reality as the resource that is abundant these days and will grow in abundance continuously is the sun. If each and every person takes it as a responsibility to make money from solar and contribute to environmental sustainability, the world will become a better place to live in. Considering how popular solar energy is and how concerned people are with it, solar cannot be canceled, at least for now, at least for the circumstances we have at this moment.


Final Note

Wind energy and competition in the renewable energy field are triggering solar giants. Indeed, we should not forget that even if there are disadvantages of solar energy that people are aware of, these are getting their solution day by day as a result of the time solar power is trending all over the world and gets researched by professionals. In the case of alternative energy sources, we need to do research and start everything from scratch to sustain the smooth functioning of wind energy systems and equipment.

The author of a publication: Veronika Abrahamyan

The post Solar is Threatened: Why? appeared first on Nevada Solar Group.


Sunday, August 22, 2021

Nevada Energy Rates Fluctuate? Why?

Assumedly the energy system everywhere is easy to regulate and structure. Indeed, it turns out that Nevada is the area where the energy system is deregulated and can get organized by consumers – like in politics with democracy. We can say that Nevada is the locale of the democratic energy system. Why is that so? The energy market in Nevada is just structured in that way – energy deregulation is the usual thing for Nevadans. Businesses and people have the power to shop and choose the electricity provider, and even switch from one provider to another as a result of comparing one to the other and noticing a lower price pattern with the other one. This may sound weird, but people love the system. However, there is considerable risk with such a system as chaos may happen, and it occurs when power outages or blackouts occur. Nevertheless, in such cases, renewable and “green” electricity providers win as, for instance, solar consumers don’t have to worry about energy outages or blackouts. Indeed, electric plans are so diverse in Nevada that even renewable energy consumers need to do their research on the topic not to be deceived or dissatisfied with their choice.

Electricity Providers in Nevada

Let me tell you that you have the opportunity to go to the website called Power to Choose and research electricity rates; afterward, choose the energy provider that fits your needs and preferences the best. Even after selecting the plan, as mentioned above, you have the opportunity to switch from one energy provider to another, no matter the terms of cooperation. All you need to do is again do your research by comparing electricity providers, filling in an online form to switch the energy plan, and getting verified for the switch to get the most out of electricity rates in Nevada.


What About Switching To A Green Energy Plan?

As mentioned before, there are a plethora of energy plan options available in Nevada. But which to choose requires proper research. However, considering how busy people are these days, a simple hack may save you time and money. Let’s ponder: what is trending nowadays? Being sustainable! Exactly! People all over the world thrive towards leading a sustainable lifestyle, which includes being as pollution-free and as zero-waste as possible. Taking this into account, a great piece of advice would be to drop all types of energy plans like variable-rate electricity plans and switch to green energy ones. If the number of green energy plan users grows, the world will become a better and cleaner place to live in, as let’s not forget that one household using, for instance, solar energy decreases carbon dioxide emissions by 80 percent – huge! Besides environmental sustainability, if we start comparing power rates, green energy like solar power not only comes cheaper but also savvier thanks to supplementary storage equipment and the sun’s energy’s inexhaustible feature that many other types of renewables lack.


Final Note

No matter what you choose, keep in mind that the more sustainable you get, the better your quality of life. Collective action is what matters. Nevada electricity plans function in a deregulated system, so the choice to go green or continue consuming fossil fuels is yours. Be mindful, and go green. A piece of advice is to go solar because perks and incentives that come with the sun’s energy cannot be compared to any other energy benefits. Just try once and regret never.

The author of a publication: Veronika Abrahamyan


The post Nevada Energy Rates Fluctuate? Why? appeared first on Nevada Solar Group.


Saturday, August 14, 2021

Labor Day Is Coming – It’s Time To Celebrate

Support, compassion, care, and love – these we get from our employees every single day. But, what do we give them instead? The whole year long we either require from them the possible & the impossible or at least compensate their attitude and work by salaries. Often we forget that our employees also need to feel that they are loved and cared for. They need to feel that we support them and we are capable of providing them with anything they need, both in professional and personal essences. To our happiness, we have Labor Day – a day when we can honor our employees and show our care for them. Doing that in a unique yet professional manner is challenging, right? Indeed, novelties come at an incredible pace, which opens up multiple opportunities for us to make Labor Day a special one.

What Is THE Gift?

Have you ever thought that solar panel manufacturers can offer a gift that will instantly remove multiple burdens from your employee’s daily routine? As it seems, these days, they are capable of doing it! Solar panel companies like Nevada Solar Group offer the best bundle of gifts that one can acquire.

What about going solar on Labor Day with Nevada Solar Group and getting $600 with the purchase? Well-well, a paradise! At least it can become a paradise for your employees, whom you can gift it as financial bonuses. Something prompts that your employee will love the gift.


Why Take The Solar Gift?

Let me list just one reason to prepare that gift for your employee. Of course, with going solar, you don’t affect your employee directly as it is a revolutionary step for the business at first. Indeed, with the bonus amount of money, you give your employee the opportunity to collect financial savings, get additional income, and a chance to invest. Apart from that, of course, going solar will benefit you as an employer and business owner, too. Yes, you read it right.

Solar energy provides financial savings because the photovoltaic (PV) panel battery helps to consume energy smartly. It conserves excess energy produced by solar panels for later use upon demand. Thanks to this, the solar consumer gets the opportunity to consume excess power and accumulate even more energy for further consumption.

Besides, in the case of accumulating excess energy at the end of the month, the consumer gets the opportunity to sell it back to the grid at a certain price! Imagine using electricity and getting money for it – a paradise even for the business owner!


What’s more, as soon as you acquire solar energy, you get the opportunity to invest in the solar stock market. That means that if you decide to do the solar present, you basically give yourself the chance to become an investor. Plus, with the bonus amount of money, your employee also gets that opportunity to invest. That makes you capable of promoting equality in the framework of your company culture as an employee who grants equal rights to his/her employees. Who knows, maybe that’d turn into a lifestyle change for your employee?

Just in case you wonder whether this is the only benefit of going solar, let me tell you that it is one of the many, and there will be more to compliment you for the gift to your employee! Just highlighting the one that will make specifically Labor Day a remarkable memory for your employee. If explored, the benefits of going solar, like becoming environmentally sustainable, will aid your business as a corporate socially responsible company.

Go solar, go save – the best way to show your employee that you care too!

Author of a Publication: Veronika Abrahamyan


The post Labor Day Is Coming – It’s Time To Celebrate appeared first on Nevada Solar Group.


Thursday, August 5, 2021

Solar Investment is a Thing: Keep an Eye On the Stock Market

Who doesn’t like getting constant income? I guess people love it! What better way to get a constant income rather than investing in the stock market, you know? Even if there are better and more engaging ways to do that, investments in the stock market are safe with abundant profit potential. But as the world progresses, traditional investments on the stock market get out of style. These days people strive towards environmental sustainability, and governments of all countries promote green policies regarding investments. Accordingly, renewable energy stocks like solar investments are trending nowadays. Keeping in mind the aim of solving environmental issues and making the world a better & cleaner place to live in, business people and citizens did their best to improve the state of the environment just by investing in solar energy. Not only they really solved issues connected to the environment, but they also gained profits. Due to experience in investing in renewable energies, several green stocks got highlighted throughout the time. There are seven renewable energy stocks worth noting for the future in case you decide to invest.

Canadian Solar (CSIQ)

Taking into account how well Canadian Solar operates recently in association with Habitat Energy, experts see the company as a top green energy stock in the near future. The company is all about billions of dollars of income.


Nio (NIO)

Being Tesla in China, Nio drives tremendous growth – 31.8 percent in the last quarter only. What if I tell you that Nio managed to sell more than 20k vehicles and be the company of billions of dollars in just three months? Impressive, right? Investing in this can be nothing else than lucrative.


NextEra Energy (NEE)

There is a huge perk associated with investing in NextEra Energy. The thing is that residents have the opportunity to sell excess energy back to the grid and earn money – one way of investment. As NextEra Energy is the largest electric utility holding company in terms of market capitalization, it is of the utmost advantage to know about it not only for businesses and entrepreneurs but also for residents. Committed to clean energy, NextEra continuously reports strong financial results per quarter. Both entrepreneurial investments and residential sell-back-to-the-grid investments regarding solar power will turn out prosperous with NEE.


Final Note

The world is not limited to the three stocks mentioned above; indeed, these are examples of how profitable investing in solar & renewable energy stocks can be for you. Billions of dollars as a profit and quarterly growth by more than 10 percent indicate how successful investments can be. If you are a solar consumer, don’t miss the opportunity to earn extra money and consume power in the meantime. If you are not a solar consumer yet, don’t settle; just do your step and go solar. Not only will you get the chance to invest in solar stocks, but you will also get the opportunity to be sustainable and have access to limitless solar energy.

The author of a publication: Veronika Abrahamyan

The post Solar Investment is a Thing: Keep an Eye On the Stock Market appeared first on Nevada Solar Group.


Nevada Solar Plans: Huge Solar Array North of Las Vegas

Nevada is home to some of the brightest sun available. It’s only natural that it is considered an excellent renewable energy source. For tha...