Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Power Issue In NV: Does It Concern Solar Consumers?

Nevada is experiencing chaos. Absolute chaos concerning its climate. An extreme heatwave along the Western U.S. affected Nevada to the extent that NV Energy announced and warned consumers to conserve energy to avoid power outages right now in Nevada. Apart from the extreme heatwave that surely creates energy problems in Las Vegas, the record load on the power grid has done its job, too. The thing is that these days the number of businesses operating in Nevada compared to the 2020 coronavirus situation is huge. Especially during the summer months, all the businesses use air conditioning, which makes up most of the high loads on the power grid. 

What Should People Do To Avoid The Energy Power Outages?

Even though power current outages are a huge problem for Nevada, there are several ways for fossil fuel consumers to avoid issues connected with the power grid. Measures that experts advice to take include turning off the lights, turning off the pool pumps, unplugging appliances that you don’t use, avoiding the usage of electrical appliances like washing machines, adjusting thermostat settings to 78 degrees or higher alongside using ceiling fans, pre-cooling homes prior to 6 p.m., keeping freezers and refrigerators closed to the maximum extent possible, closing coverings of windows, avoiding EV charging. Even though these may seem too much to complete, there is a reason. Only the fact that Las Vegas experienced 117 degrees at McCarran International Airport recently directs fossil fuel consumers towards doing this. 


Does This Concern Solar Consumers?

Short answer – no! Indeed, let me explain why. People who have already shifted from fossil fuels to solar energy have a huge advantage over those who still stick to fossil fuels consumption. The main reason behind this is the nature of the energy resource. In the case of solar energy, it is renewable, thus, sustainable. Renewable resources like solar power are inexhaustible, affordable, and environmentally friendly. While fossil fuels aren’t. Let’s stick to the point about inexhaustibility, and you will see why the power issue with Nevada’s power outages doesn’t concern solar consumers. As the energy of the sun is limitless and doesn’t stop being generated by solar panels, people have it ready for consumption all day long, no matter the circumstances. Even if there is a blackout or power outage, backup batteries have the ability to supply excessively conserved power for consumption. See? Despite the situation, solar power is always there for us. However, the occurrence of a minor issue causes power grid issues. Also, if solar power constantly restores power in Nevada’s homes, fossil fuels never do that.


Final Note

Of course, if you are a fossil fuels consumer, then be cautious about this summer’s warnings regarding power outages. It is better to stick to safety measures advised by NV Energy. However, it’d be better if you decide to switch to solar power. The primary reason for suggesting this is the fact that solar consumers have absolutely no worries about power outages in the summer because their energy supply never stops coming. Let’s not forget that solar energy is independent of the power grid.

Go solar, become independent!

The author of a publication: Veronika Abrahamyan

The post Power Issue In NV: Does It Concern Solar Consumers? appeared first on Nevada Solar Group.

source https://nevadasolargroup.com/power-issue-in-nv-does-it-concern-solar-consumers/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=power-issue-in-nv-does-it-concern-solar-consumers

Friday, July 23, 2021

Solar Energy Needs To Be Promoted: Why?

Sustainability drives the world. People all over the world are obsessed with renewable resources, particularly solar energy. Where does solar energy come from, how is solar energy produced, how does solar energy work, and similar questions are constantly asked and researched. Indeed, just asking and researching is not enough. One person may be well-informed about the energy of the sun, while the other person may just know that such an energy resource exists. That’s why, besides knowing what solar energy is and what advantages of solar energy are worth the attention, the sun’s power should be promoted publicly in different ways. Such an initiative took place in Nevada when the energy secretary started promoting solar energy during a visit to Southern Nevada. Her experience shows that there are people who go line in line with knowledge. Indeed, there are those who need a to-the-point explanation of how solar energy may turn out beneficial for them in practice. So, let’s find out together what was the reason behind the energy secretary’s promotion of solar power, and how such a promotion helps.

Solar Energy

Even though it seems a familiar term, how can we define solar energy? Well, well, the definition of solar energy is the Sun’s radiant heat and light that gets supplied and consumed through solar equipment like solar panels. Simple, yet so effective. Advantages of solar energy are bombing – inexhaustible, affordable, environmentally sustainable. What else do we need? Just promoting the power of the sun to the maximum extent possible.


Energy Secretary Promotes Solar Energy

The energy secretary, Jennifer Granholm, mentioned, “Nevada is going to be the poster child of solar energy production.” At that moment, Granholm talked like she knew that Nevada is the solar capital. Of course, her claims are based on facts – Nevada is capable of powering 700,000 homes with solar. The number is huge. Who supplies the resource? Over 80 solar panel companies. Can you notice an additional benefit of the sun’s energy? Exactly! Solar power creates and provides jobs. Statistics show that over 6,000 people (mainly Nevadans) work for these photovoltaic (PV) panel companies. Granholm is sure that unemployment will decrease if solar continues to grow in popularity. In association with congratulating and promoting Joe Biden’s infrastructure plan, Granholm mentioned, “If we can continue to expand our solar footprint in this country, we’re going to have to hire 900,000 more workers like these who are installing solar panels if we’re going to reach the president’s goal, we need this work.” This is real yet hard to implement. Indeed, the demand for renewables is huge – people all over the world are obsessed with sustainability.


Final Note

After the interview/speech of Jennifer Granholm, more people got informed about solar energy. What’s exciting is that Granholm directed the promotion of renewable resources in a way that her word got heard by people who were into the topic of employment. Granholm targeted a group of people for the message to stick to the mind. One thing is for sure after her talk about solar energy, the least possible outcome is awareness about renewable resources. Let’s promote solar power, thus, sustainability. Why promote? Because, why not?

The author of a publication: Veronika Abrahamyan

The post Solar Energy Needs To Be Promoted: Why? appeared first on Nevada Solar Group.

source https://nevadasolargroup.com/solar-energy-needs-to-be-promoted-why/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=solar-energy-needs-to-be-promoted-why

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

4 Solar Panel Installation Problems To Avoid

Saving money, being environmentally friendly, and having access to electricity 24/7 – the main three things to go solar. To get these perks and more, a right start should be put to the solar journey. This means that solar panel installation – the fundamental procedure for a successful solar journey, should be done professionally. No matter if the procedure gets completed by a team of professionals from a solar panel company like Nevada Solar Group or just gets DIY-ed, specific issues should be avoided. In the case of not knowing about them and encountering any of them, the solar panel system functioning will suffer, and the whole thing may turn out as a waste of money, time, and energy. Interesting, right? Let’s see what these problems are.

Problem #1: Roof Inspection

Prior to solar panel installation, one of the most important things to consider is the state of the roof. It is of utmost importance to check on the structure of the deck and frame before proceeding with the installation. A qualified team of engineers should work on the inspection part to ensure that the base of the PV system is secure. The reason behind this is the probability of having complexities during the installation process because of unsafe roof conditions. Mainly, 3 things need to be inspected:

  1. Whether the roof can bear solar panel system weight alongside other equipment bundled up in solar panel kits or not.
  2. Whether foot traffic damage may be sustained or not.
  3. Whether the process of mounting PV panels by penetrating the roof may be sustained or not.


Problem #2: Inaccurate Installation of PV Panels

The professional crew of solar panel installers knows best how solar panels should be installed not to ruin the equipment alongside the roof. That is why it is vital to ensure that the company of your choice is specialized in what they do, not to struggle later. One of the crucial insights to solar panel installation is wire management. Based on the following 4 criteria, you can even check on the team by yourself and make sure they are highly qualified.

  1. Wires should run by avoiding sharp corners, making sunlight exposure as little as possible, overpass excessive bending, etc.
  2. Wires should be labeled and bundled as without clear identification of each wire, further maintenance or emergencies won’t be handled in a secure manner.
  3. Panels should face the south for maximum exposure to sunlight.
  4. Panels should be placed in cool environments.


Problem #3: Roof Water Flow Interruption

Professionals know well that water flow should be accounted for during PV panel installation. Without considering that, wiring and racks may mess up the water flow and proper drainage won’t happen. Consequently, the need for roof repairs may arise, which is a lot more challenging to complete with PV panels. That is why always make sure that solar workers have a great knowledge of such minor yet crucial details. The knowledge of such minor details may help you avoid leakage problems and clogged drains.


Problem #4: Ensure Match With Regular Inspection & Maintenance

This is an essential part to pay attention to because it decides the future of solar ROI. To get a good portion of the return on investment from PV panels, it is important to conduct regular inspections & maintenance to avoid possible minor issues. Either by themselves or with the help of the professional crew, a consumer should take care of the photovoltaic system not to see a decrease in panel efficiency, energy & money savings, etc. It would be better to have a solar panel company that specializes in roofing also like Nevada Solar Group. The thing is that such companies take care of roof inspections & maintenance, too, which eliminates additional cost.


Final Note

Turns out, a successful solar journey requires avoiding 4 problems regarding roof inspection, installation inaccuracy, water flow interruption, and regular inspections & maintenance. Believe it or not, the experience alongside facts report that if avoiding these problems, solar journeys will be enjoyable and beyond.

The author of a publication: Veronika Abrahamyan

The post 4 Solar Panel Installation Problems To Avoid appeared first on Nevada Solar Group.

source https://nevadasolargroup.com/solar-panel-installation-problems-to-avoid/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=solar-panel-installation-problems-to-avoid

Friday, July 9, 2021

Rooftop Solar Was A Thing: What Happened?

Life has changed a lot. People pay attention to things they never thought can become this important. If before everyone could live in an unsustainable manner without thinking about the harm it brings to the environment, today the opposite dominates. People care for the environment and consider sustainability one of the central aspects that a good lifestyle comprises. Intending to be environmentally friendly, people modified several aspects of their everyday life, such as energy consumption. Switching from fossil fuels to renewable energy like the trendy solar energy had a massive stake in environmental sustainability. Solar panel roof became popular because it not only gave people the opportunity to be sustainable but also transferred the modern and gorgeous look to the houses. Indeed, something went wrong recently. As Augusta Free Press formulates the situational question, “Has there been any backlash against the installation of rooftop solar panels?” Taking into account that no one could ever think that renewable energy can be backlashed, it’s surprising. Indeed, once no one could ever believe that renewable energy can become a thing. So, what’s the problem? Let’s find out together. 


Why Rooftop Solar Became a Thing?

When people start loving something or using it consistently, they usually have an incentive for that. In the case of rooftop solar, incentives like Solar Investment Tax Credit inspired them to go for its installation. Plus, let’s not forget that photovoltaic panels have increased affordability both in installation and power consumption. Solar panels are considered to be one of the coolest details added to the home. Most of the time, they uplift the home value and give it a modern look everyone admires. Indeed, as soon as the solar panel installation reached a large-scale rooftop level, something has changed.


What Happened to Rooftop Solar’s Popularity?

As soon as PV panels reached the large-scale rooftop level, neighbors surrounding solar plants or farms started reporting rooftop solar installations. They argued that such activities and projects decrease their home value, threaten the environment and wildlife, and ruin the scenic beauty of the view they have access to. Not to mention, they argued that the required deforestation to install PV panels may lead to global warming and become an environmental threat for the whole world. On top of that, cases of bird deaths in solar facilities got recorded, which means that animals are threatened, too. Then, neighbors brought up the issue of disposal after each solar panel’s lifecycle. Truth be told, there is the risk of making the environment suffer because of disposal after photovoltaic panel’s lifecycle; however, solar panel companies like Nevada Solar Group do everything not to let it happen. 


Final Note: How to Act?

Considering each and every concern of these people, as well as taking into account all the advantages that a solar panel system brings about, rooftop solar panels should continue being a thing and will never stop being trendy & wanted. Access to inexhaustible energy, the opportunity of affordable power consumption, as well as the chance of contributing to environmental sustainability come with rooftop photovoltaic panels. The drawbacks that neighbors mention are risks of rooftop solar installation but not mandatory ones. So, why threaten happiness and sustainability if instead we can secure wildlife protection, environmental sustainability, as well as apt resource management and live the sustainable yet liked-by-everyone lifestyle. 

The author of a publication: Veronika Abrahamyan

The post Rooftop Solar Was A Thing: What Happened? appeared first on Nevada Solar Group.

source https://nevadasolargroup.com/rooftop-solar-was-a-thing-what-happened/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=rooftop-solar-was-a-thing-what-happened

Friday, July 2, 2021

Used EV Seems a Waste? The Solar Market Thinks The Opposite!

Do you know why people prefer buying cars from a car owner rather than straight from the car salon? Even if none of us have done research on this question, we all assume that it is mainly because of the price of the vehicle that gets depreciated with every owner. Indeed, there is a stereotype that renewable vehicles should be straight from the salon. Who structured such a rule? Turns out, used electric vehicles can, indeed, be a deal in the hot car market! Even though the best option to buy an EV is choosing one of the top EV companies and go for the purchase, used electric vehicles still work perfectly. But why should people go for used EV? To find out the answer, just proceed with the article!


Why Used Electronic Vehicles Became A Thing?

Have you ever learned about how the car market works? In either case, if put in comparison with the electric car market, it can be considered a contributor to the surge in EV sales. The car prices get lower & lower for the ordinary car market, while gas prices go up by one dollar per annum. This may seem a minor change, but, believe me, or not, it is a drastic one! Indeed, recently the prices of used cars have risen by 48 percent per year. The reason behind such an increase is the shortage of used vehicles and the deficiency of supply in the car market. This gives the electric car market a powerful tool – twofold bargaining power. What the EV market is capable of at this point in the industry’s career is lowering the EV price and save on gas by replacing it with a renewable resource like solar energy.


3 Reasons to Buy a Used EV

  • Purchase Price

Depreciation is the number one thing that constantly happens with a vehicle. Like every other vehicle, EV also depreciates. As iSeeCars puts it, “Electric vehicles depreciate quickly – nearly 52 percent after three years.” If reflecting on the topic of purchasing used EV, then if EV should come off lease, three years later approach a bargain. Indeed, the prices depreciate in the electric car market, too. This is only to the customer’s benefit.

  • Rebates

Every solar panel company selling or manufacturing electric vehicles catches the moment to offer its clients rebates & incentives. This is being done to motivate employees and inspire them to put more & more effort into each project. In fact, rebates & incentives can become a serious motivation for the customer to look at what other brands or that particular brand have. In the list of rebates is the cooperation of a water and power company and electric vehicle company to drive sales up. If a consumer of the water and power company participates in a contest organized by an EV company, then the customer will get a rebate in a certain amount.

  • Gas

The most evident yet the most important reason to switch to a renewable lifestyle and go for affordable used EVs is gas. Two main aspects of the gas are reasons to go for the affordable option of an EV. The first one is the gas price. Say goodbye to costly gas refills, renewable energy like solar power sustain an EV, no matter what. The second one is the environment. Without gas, the carbon footprint gets drastically reduced, and a sustainable lifestyle gets implemented.


Final Note

Do you know someone who is selling his or her EV? Oh, it’s a used one? No worries, it couldn’t be a better offer & choice! Used EV is a deal in the hot car market – don’t miss your opportunity to be a part of the exclusive deal supporting affordability and environmental sustainability.

The author of a publication: Veronika Abrahamyan

The post Used EV Seems a Waste? The Solar Market Thinks The Opposite! appeared first on Nevada Solar Group.

source https://nevadasolargroup.com/used-ev-seems-a-waste-the-solar-market-thinks-the-opposite/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=used-ev-seems-a-waste-the-solar-market-thinks-the-opposite

Nevada Solar Plans: Huge Solar Array North of Las Vegas

Nevada is home to some of the brightest sun available. It’s only natural that it is considered an excellent renewable energy source. For tha...