Friday, May 28, 2021

Solar Panels On Every Roof

Solar is going worldwide. The process of switching to this renewable energy consumption is a matter of time. This statement is made due to the increase of human interest in alternative energy sources. What is the reason that people are so interested in a solar panel system, and how is this interest expressed?

Youth Is For Solar

The benefits of this eco-friendly energy source are no longer a secret for many people. Still, raising awareness is an essential concept for some layers of the population. The mass-switching to solar will significantly contribute to the overall climate changes reducing carbon dioxide emissions and the greenhouse effect. The modern generation comprises brilliant youth who strive to make our world a better place to live in. They are admirable in their everyday activities aimed at raising awareness for solar.


A vivid example is a recent activity performed by Mitchell High School students. Namely, they suggested the solar panel installation project for Mitchell High School and Mitchell Junior High School. The idea was initiated and proposed by the students of the department of physics, environmental science, and calculus. They used existing knowledge and skills to do various research and, as a result, proposed the project to the Mitchell Community School Board. The students had calculated each point of the upcoming project, starting from budget and expenses up to the process of solar panel kits’ installation and location. They also proved that the upcoming power upgrade would cover over 44.4 percent of school electricity. At the end of the presentation, once all the details were discussed, the students also demonstrated the predicted annual bills’ decrease, which would be about $67,778, almost half of the bill for the previous year, that is $118,179.

This example proves once again that future generations are on the right path. It is apparent that they will grow into scientists who will use best practices and all the knowledge to benefit the environment. They will also ensure the next generations to be more aware and conscious about planet Earth.

Africa And Middle East

Africa and the Middle East, renewable energy is taking new steps towards you! It is no wonder that solar panel companies continually invest in profitable areas. Since the sun is the number one guarantee for solar energy generation, countries with more favorable climate conditions are the first target. Hence, solar projects aim to reduce the carbon footprint in countries of the Middle East and Africa to zero by 2040. This renewable power supply will, no doubt, serve several benefits in the area. Apart from environmental advantages, this investment will also result in economic progress. Many workplaces will be opened, which will result in overall life quality as well. The changes will open new doors in various directions. New companies will be created for manufacturing and maintenance, as well as roofing contractors. Since the connection to the electricity grid is not available for everyone in these areas, and the power supply is unstable, this renewable energy will solve the problem for many people. With power backup devices, permanent energy will be attainable for each in the area. Solar will be deployed in countries like Liberia, Guinea, Madagascar, and Sierra Leone. In countries like Jordan, renewable energy has been deployed since 2018. The installation is covered by roofing areas and several solar farms, covering about 60 percent of Jordan’s energy needs by 2020. Since installation, this innovative solution has reduced CO2 emissions by 45 kilotons.


China, Beijing’s Solar Plans

According to the Chinese news portal National Business Daily, a new program of renewable energy consumption was launched the previous year. It basically aims at reducing poverty in rural areas by pushing every farmer to switch to photovoltaic system utilization. Namely, 26.36 million kilowatts of renewable power generating stations were built all over the country. Since solar panel costs are somewhat high, the income is expected to be gained in about five to seven years.


Roofing Is Essential

Although big investors stake on large solar farms where they can have tangible profit soon afterward, many companies concentrate on retail sales. Such companies are basically producing photovoltaic modules and devices attached to them. Besides PV modules, they generally specialize in manufacturing and selling inverters, power storage batteries, roofing materials. Why is roofing so vital? Since most of the PV systems are installed on house roofs, one must assure its reliability. The solar racking, along with panels mounted on it, is a weighty construction. If the roof is not reliable, no company will undertake its solar modification. Modern markets propose a variety of choices to comply with the taste and requirements of all the customers.

Examples include but are not limited to metal roofing, wood roofing, tile roofing, solar shingles, etc. Solar shingles are the most extraordinary product on this list. Performing double function, it serves both as a roof coverage and photovoltaic system. Unlike ordinary solar panel roofs, these shingles are the panels themselves in the form of roof coverage. The external appearance of the shingle resembles a roof, but it is highly resistant and robust, with over 30 years’ durability. The product has shown excellent results with the most severe testing types. Although it has a higher price compared to ordinary solar panels, the investment is worth it. Slick in design and resistant in form this product will bring the electricity bill to zero soon after installation.

The proper maintenance of the roof is not of less importance. To avoid decay and to serve a good deal, the roof must be cleaned from debris periodically. It may seem to be simple work; however, the best is to trust it to professionals. Many roofing companies will gladly visit the place and perform roof cleaning for a particular payment.

Author of a publication: Helen Kocharyan

The post Solar Panels On Every Roof appeared first on Nevada Solar Group.


Tuesday, May 25, 2021

New Partnership Alert: Enphase Energy x IBC Solar

Enphase Energy does not stop expanding its distribution network. This time Enphase Energy’s product offerings are getting added to IBC Solar. The German PV solutions provider modifies its product portfolio by adding energy storage systems alongside microinverters from Enphase Energy. The distribution deal between IBC Solar and Enphase Energy seems too good to be true as it comes with considerable benefits for the customers of IBC Solar. Indeed, the deal is real and is already put into work.

Enphase Energy Storage System x IBC Solar

As the general manager of Enphase Europe, Peter van Berkel mentioned, “We look forward to working with IBC Solar and its strong installer network to provide homeowners with reliable, clean energy with our innovative home energy management systems.”


The goals of the deal are straightforward and crucial not only for the companies and consumers but also for the solar industry. IBC Solar aims to offer its customers a simple installation process with the help of new Enphase Energy storage systems. Plus, it wants to provide the opportunity of using the Enphase battery to both new and retrofitted solar consumers. These goals combined almost restructured the solar industry, taking into account the number of innovations due to the Enphase Energy x IBC Solar partnership.

Enphase Energy Microinverter System x IBC Solar

Besides including the Enphase battery system in the deal, IBC Solar aims to expand the product portfolio with the novel microinverter systems. Enphase Energy provides a 25-year limited warranty on these systems, which corresponds to the high quality and reliability standards of IBC Solar. As the Senior Vice President of Supply Chain Management of IBC Solar, Britta Beier explains, “Microinverter systems offer numerous advantages for installers and end customers from a technological perspective. The compatibility with all our modules and mounting systems fits our system concept and the fast, uncomplicated plug-and-play installation creates advantages for our premium partners.”



Why Is The Deal Successful?

This being said, the expansion of the product portfolio of IBC Solar with the help of microinverter and storage systems of Enphase Energy has been one of the most prospective ones in the industry. The thing is that the product portfolio expansion is not an ordinary one.

In the case of microinverter systems, these, offered by Enphase Energy, come with a clip solution. Aimed at simplifying the installation process, a clip solution has been implemented to help consumers have their photovoltaic (PV) systems installed easily, without complications.

In the case of storage systems, these, offered by Enphase Energy, bring a simple process of installation. Aimed at simplifying the installation process, these combine simplicity with safety due to the integration of lithium iron phosphate chemistry alongside all-AC wiring. Plus, these provide the lowest lifetime energy cost alongside careful customer support – key to success and prosperity.


Are There Benefits?

Of course, there are!

  1. power efficiency upgrade of each PV module
  2. exclusion of extensive string design
  3. less shading of the area
  4. possible extension of PV modules

These advantages may seem minor to the Enphase Energy x IBC Solar partnership. Indeed, these are the common problems that solar consumers face during their solar journey. With the provision of Enphase Energy battery systems and microinverters, consumers have fewer problems with IBC Solar.

The author of a publication: Veronika Abrahamyan

The post New Partnership Alert: Enphase Energy x IBC Solar appeared first on Nevada Solar Group.


Thursday, May 20, 2021

Preparing For Wildfire Season With Solar

Wildfires are inevitable. Because of the dry conditions, hundreds of brush fires are happening in some locations of Nevada each year. During the last few years, the state has experienced especially devastating wildfires. Last year, about 300,000 acres burned in approximately 800 wildfires throughout Nevada. It was more than double the previous wildfire record set in 2018. Plus, with the weather getting drier, the possibility of fires is becoming greater.

Wildfires are dangerous for several reasons. Along with the obvious life and property loss issues, these fires produce greenhouse gasses and other hazardous particles into the atmosphere. Wildfires present another challenge for solar energy. Smoke from the wildfires can slash solar energy as minuscule airborne particles reduce the amount of sunlight reaching solar panels. Thus, the wildfire smoke curtails the productivity of solar panels causing quantifiable differences in solar output.

Although the macro impact to solar from climate-fueled wildfires is limited, this effect can become more noticeable with solar energy making up a more significant portion of overall energy generation in Nevada.

The Wildfire Impact On Solar Energy

While wildfires have always been part of Nevada’s landscape, record-breaking wildfires have become more common in this region in recent years. The climate change causing the temperature to rise and exacerbated dry conditions make wildfires more likely to spark and extend the usual fire season.

It is utterly clear that there is a drop in the amount of light that reaches solar panels with the smoke in the air. So, for both residential and commercial properties owning solar PV systems, wildfires are a constant obstacle. As we know, solar panel efficiency is directly related to the amount of sunlight that hits your solar roof. More factors, like shading and solar panel orientation, determine how much energy your solar panel installation will produce over time. However, the essential factor is whether the surface area of the solar panel roofing is clean and free of dirt, allowing complete absorption of solar irradiance.


Moreover, wildfires cause solar system cell damages that you can find during assessments.

What Happens With Solar Roofing In The Fire?

The damage can sometimes be apparent, like melted or cracked structures and cables, tiny bubbles on solar cells and cloudy or brownish color. But fire damage will not always be evident. In case of intense heat, thermal stress can cause profound damage. The resulting cracks in cells, scratches and heat spots can often not be detected through visual inspection. They can reduce energy production and even cause safety issues over time.


The Wildfire Season Is Here

Nevada is currently in a drought. Any outside activities, including bonfires and barbecues, can potentially cause wildfires. The fire seasons we face today are longer, more unpredictable and more destructive than they were in the past.

As summer heat arrives, blackouts are threatening the entire United States. Havoc fires impact the traditional grid-tied energy resources when there is no power in the cities.

The blackouts highlight the need for clean energy. Extreme weather conditions fuelled by climate change make people move away from fossil fuels. States vulnerable to wildfires can shutter coal and gas-fired power plants. It is sometimes crucial to the local existing power infrastructure.

Renewable resources, like solar photovoltaics, can minimize the effects of wildfire season. Photovoltaic systems, mainly those coupled with energy storage systems, can surprisingly improve grid resiliency, decrease fire risks and provide backup power when the grid goes down. The disadvantage of the situation is that the solar power system can also be vulnerable to fire damage.

Like most electrical facilities, solar panel system equipment can go up in flames under heat, resulting in catastrophic. So, extreme weather conditions increase the risk of utility equipment sparking dangerous wildfires.

Concerns about fire danger and unstable energy supply from traditional resources make many residences and business owners look for energy alternatives. Therefore, what to do when electricity is critical for keeping his business running? Solar panel system is the answer to this question.


So, how long will it take to earn back your initial investment in a solar panel system? A solar payback period is the amount of time it will take to recover your initial investment through electricity savings when installing solar roofing. In Nevada, the average solar payback period is about nine years.

Regardless of the exact solar panel installation cost, there are many affordable financing options for solar panel systems. Buying a solar panel kit in cash is the most common method offered by solar panel companies. If an upfront purchase is not your case, there are solar loans and solar leases available in Nevada to help you finance your solar installation.

Moreover, after accounting for the 26% Federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC) and other state and local solar incentives, the solar panel price you should pay will fall by thousands of dollars. Thereby, it is essential to find the best solar panel company for your case.

Author of a publication: Irene Abgaryan 


The post Preparing For Wildfire Season With Solar appeared first on Nevada Solar Group.


Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Can Increased Access To EV Charging Stations Help Improve Public Health?

Electric vehicles are rapidly increasing in popularity. What is the reason for that? EVs are convenient, including the cheaper cost to fuel, higher efficiency, federal incentives, and reduced environmental impact.

Today, there are over 5.6 million electric vehicles worldwide. It is over a 50% increase since 2018. There were around 1 million registered EVs on the roads of the United States in 2018. By 2030, there will be about 4 million electric cars just in California, and over 900,000 in California.

In addition to drivers choosing EVs, commercial properties are also an essential part of EVs infrastructure progress. You can charge your car at home or outside using public charging stations in locations like retailers, public parking garages, workplaces.

Speaking about electric cars, we mostly think it affects the environment. Nevertheless, it is no less important for the community. Studies show that air quality and personal health are closely tied together, making electric vehicles an essential element of healthcare.

Climate Change and Public Health

Preventative healthcare is an essential part of medicine. Improving air quality will let you prevent diseases and promote health. Generally, air pollution can cause asthma, cardiovascular disease impairs lung development in children and is linked to leukemia and lung cancer. The key to eliminating these diseases is often prevention, and improving air quality is a step toward improving public health.


Greenhouse gases usually have a huge impact on health and climate change. Climate change is predicted to cause about 250,000 deaths per year between 2030 and 2050. And the reason will be air pollution, natural disasters, wildfires, and food insecurity.

Healthcare Providers are Providing EV Charging

Consequently, many medical and healthcare system members install EV charging solutions to promote access to zero-emissions transportation. So, the healthcare sector has an interest in improving public health. Moreover, many medical system members have the second-highest commercial energy user in the nation.


Besides, medical offices have the power to decrease emissions, and the duty to care for the respiratory and cardiac effects of climate change on patients’ health, hospitals and doctors’ offices nationwide are choosing to install EV charging stations.

Electric Vehicle Charging Stations and Medical Facilities

Every day thousands of people visit hospitals and other health centers. So, with so much traffic, it is an ideal location for the EV charging station.

Healthcare and Costs

Poor air quality is increasing while health care costs go up, and confusion about health insurance benefits grows, costing patients and hospitals alike. Reducing healthcare costs from poor air quality saves lives and medical costs. The increasing use of electric vehicles and installations of EV charging stations is just one way healthcare providers can help educate, encourage, and showcase their initiatives to improve air quality.

Which Health Issues Can Be Helped by Electric Vehicles?

By 2040, vehicles will have a significant impact on public health. The EV charging solution for public health means driving electric cars to cleaner air. Besides, as a result, asthma will disappear and let you breathe.


With the reduction of air pollution, some types of cancer will also become possible to consider. This cleaner air would also be excellent for cardiovascular health by reducing strokes, heart attacks, and blood clotting issues.

Thus, this will also decrease the death rate related to heart problems. So, electric cars and EV charging stations are an essential solution to public health.

Author of a publication: Irene Abgaryan 

The post Can Increased Access To EV Charging Stations Help Improve Public Health? appeared first on Nevada Solar Group.


Friday, May 14, 2021

Is My Roof Ready For Solar?

When you finally decide to switch to solar energy, the roof condition is the primary aspect. The roof is the most common location for your solar power system. The more sun the panels get, the more solar energy they will generate.

Considering a rooftop solar installation, you need to inspect your roof or call a roofing professional to inspect your roof, scan for damaged shingles or potential leaks. The roof evaluation to determine its suitability for solar panel installation is usually based on the following factors: roof shingles type – asphalt, metal, tile; roof type, roof direction, and overall construction.

Thus, to understand if your roof is ready for solar installation, there are some questions to ask:

The main questions before making a final decision are:

  • What does your roof look like?
  • What is the condition of your roof?
  • How much shade does your roof get throughout the day?

What Does Your Roof Look Like?

When installing solar panels, it is essential to understand some features of your roof and solar panels. Depending on the brand and manufacturer, solar panels differ in size and weight. So, you should know if your roof will support exact solar panels or not.

Your roof structure, roofing material, and roof’s age are the factors you need to check before installation. 

The roof structure must withstand the size and weight of the solar panels. You should also know if your roof is suitable for solar panels depending on its shape (flat or sloped). Professional solar panel companies can support you in this. 


Not all roof types are qualified for solar panel installation. Besides, different roof materials require different levels of care and different capacities of supporting the panels. Strong and durable roofing materials, such as asphalt shingles, will perfectly support your panels.  

What about the roof age, the older the roof, the more repair work it will need. Generally, asphalt shingle roofs should be ten years or less and in good condition before solar system installation. So, in case your roof is not new, you would better first do replacement or repair before solar PV system installation. It will save you from future PV panels removal and reinstallation as solar panels usually have 25 years warranty. 

If you think that solar panels can damage your roof, you need to understand that the solar panel roof is more protected from aging and weathering. Moreover, solar shingles and solar panel roof tiles are more durable than ordinary roof tiles, so investment in multifunctional roof coverings is a lifetime investment. Nevertheless, solar panels can affect your roof’s warranty, as anything on the roof can increase the risk of roof leaks.

What Is The Condition Of Your Roof?

As we already discussed, depending on your roof condition, you may need to repair or replace your roofing before solar installation. If your roof has not been replaced for ten years or more, contact your roofing company for a visit. During the roof inspection, your roofing contractor will check your roof ventilation and also warn you if there are signs of damage on your roof or you need additional roofing components, like vents, flashing or something more. 


The ideal roof is considered to be flat, with enough space free of obstructions suitable for solar panels. A sloped roof is also good for solar installation while it needs additional maintenance. High wind locations can adversely affect the installation process. In this way, work with a professional solar installer company to find the best roofing solution for your solar panel system

How Much Shade Does Your Roof Get Throughout The Day?

To determine your future solar panel efficiency, examine the trees and the possible shadow on the house. Trim down the limbs shading your solar system area as they will limit your solar production. A specialist can remove large tree branches close to your roof if needed. A professional solar company will determine the best fitting location on your roof for your solar panels. 



We know that roof solar is not cheap to install. Your solar panel price can reach a few ten thousand dollars. Solar panel cost becomes affordable when leasing instead of direct purchase. The Federal Solar Tax Credit will also smooth your solar expenses in case you want to buy the solar system. Residential buyers have a few more years to benefit, as the credit program will be over in 2024. Until then, you can still get a credit worth 22%-26% of the installed cost of solar applied to the current tax year.

Moreover, according to Nevada Energy, a public utility generating and distributing electric service in northern and southern Nevada, rooftop solar can provide a 7 percent to 10 percent return on investment. Besides, the Lower Income Solar Energy Program (LISEP), created by the Nevada Governor’s Office of Energy, offers incentives to business customers for solar systems that serve low-income populations. 

Getting prepared can make a big difference for your solar energy system. So, you need to take care of the roof first; hence you will not have to pause on your solar installation.

Author of a publication: Irene Abgaryan 

The post Is My Roof Ready For Solar? appeared first on Nevada Solar Group.


Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Solar Panels Are The Number One Option For Cheap And Independent Energy

Budget and comfort are the two main factors that impact people’s moods. If something is cheap but doesn’t comply with one’s expectations, it doesn’t have high demand. If it has all the required features but is too expensive to afford, the buyer or consumer will not be satisfied either. Solar energymanufacturers have expanded their capacities to the maximum bringing it even closer to perfection.


What is exactly comfort for each? First and foremost, comfort is reliability and security. It is hard to imagine a modern lifestyle without smartphones or other electronic devices of the kind. People all around the world have become dependent on it. All the business and personal data such as meetings, communication and other information are registered in it. The more they are used, the faster the battery needs to be reloaded. Although solar panel installation is excellent for residential or commercial building owners, it doesn’t solve portable devices’ charging issues. Here come the portable solar panel kits to solve this issue. With these devices, the phone charging problem is far behind in the past. The market is already full of options to choose from.


A portable PV module is the dream of people fond of camping and long trips in the wild. This device is usually small and easy to use. Many models are manufactured with a special waterproof cover to be left outside in rain or stormy weather. The smallest among all being FELLE SOLAR POWER BANK, with 6.1 by 3.35 inches, is foldable with simple maintenance. On average, it can charge the iPhone about eight times. It is a mini solar panel system with a flashlight and several USB ports, an encrypted power bank. The lightest option in the market weighs about 1.18 pounds, while the biggest one is heavier, weighing about 7 pounds. Despite the size, this option is easy to carry due to the foldable construction. The model is PAXCESS 60W 18V, with high performance efficiency of about 23,5 percent in good weather conditions. It also has a special coverage that prevents it from water and dust. Solar panel companies also propose a mid-size option to choose such as BigBlue Foldable Solar Charger with 28 watts power capacity and three USB ports. The fully extended size measures 33.1 by 11.1 inches. The disadvantage of this device is the absence of a power bank.


Extremely convenient, this device comes in different sizes and capacities to comply with all customers’ requirements. Such solar panel costs can range from $45 to $150, depending on the device’s specs. A question arises; is it worth buying one? Based on the positive feedback provided by numerous independent users, one comes to the conclusion that such devices serve the benefit of any solar consumer. According to the solar energy news, many people recall using the portable PV module even at home when there is a power off. They need to recharge a smartphone or another electronic gadget. As one of them claims, his portable device was able to fully charge the phone long after it had last been under direct sunlight. This basically means that they are capable of storing energy for a significantly long time.

The independence of solar system maintenance is also ensured by home power storage batteries which are most commonly used in areas where rolling blackouts and power outages occur. The most widely used devices in this aspect are Tesla Powerwall and Enphase Envoy. One such device is a must for house owners who value reliability and comfort. The devices are usually sold separately and are not involved in the solar panel installation cost. However, as the Tesla CEO recently announced in the nearest future, these devices will make part of the overall PV kit for sale. This mainly means that Tesla will be selling the Powerwall only with the solar array for all the customers.


Any power storage battery, irrespective of the brand, performs the primary function of energy backup and supply upon the consumer’s demand. Hence, it is another component of the photovoltaic set that one should consider buying in case of going solar.

Author of a publication: Helen Kocharyan

The post Solar Panels Are The Number One Option For Cheap And Independent Energy appeared first on Nevada Solar Group.


Wednesday, May 5, 2021

To the Sun & Back: Going Solar Is Caring

It is almost impossible to count the material benefit that renewable energy sources can give to the environment. Nevertheless, it is more than real to calculate all the tangible advantages that solar panel installation brings to its consumers. Sooner or later, people worldwide will comprehend all the pros that this transition brings to their lifestyle. Although more and more people switch to solar energy consumption, there is still a vast majority of citizens who are not fond of changes and prefer to live the same lifestyle. These are usually elderly people who are not very keen on changes and have a skeptical approach to all that is new. These people usually lack the confidence and external influence to make a step. All they need is someone to push them towards the solar benefits.


“S” Is For Solar

Nevada Solar Group has prepared an ideal option for people who will go solar during May 1-9. All the customers who will purchase a solar panel kit during this period will receive a gift, a Nest Thermostat, as a supplement. This smart system is intended for house cooling and heating. It serves as an excellent addition to the overall photovoltaic system, especially for people who prefer extra comfort and reliability. The small device receives and assembles data during the first few weeks about the temperature privileges of the house owner. For instance, if the house owner is out for the whole day and the temperature doesn’t need to be changed, or the house owner returns home in the evening and turns on the cooling system. As a result of several regular patterns registered by the device, it starts acting based on the current condition. The market price for an average Nest Thermostat is approximately $250.00, and a solar panel cost ranges somewhat between $15,000 to $25,000. The price variation depends on several factors, including system size and power requirements, PV module type, system connectivity type, efficiency, brand, and others. On Mother’s Day occasion, the customers have the opportunity to get this smart thermo-regulator for free. What else can be more attractive than a gift within a gift? Your parents will receive a gift in the form of a photovoltaic system, plus another gift – a Nest Smart Thermostat.



Advantages That All Should Know

A PV system is an exceptionally unique gift with all the benefits it can provide. The most significant impact that this renewable energy consumption can provide is on budget. The house owner consumes 100 percent eco-friendly energy for free. It may sound unbelievable, but it is true. The only significant payment that a customer is charged for is the initial solar panel price along with the required attributes. Once installed, the monthly energy bills reduce gradually, reaching zero in the end. Although the primary cost of the purchase is high, there are several financing options that customers can benefit from, such as leasing or a power purchase agreement. These options are especially suitable for people with lower income who can’t afford to make the total payment right away.

Due to power storage devices, it is now possible to have permanent solar energy despite the day and weather conditions. If the house is powered by solar, it also becomes independent from the local grid. Hence, no rolling blackouts or grid failures can result in a power-off condition in residence. Reliability is the second privilege of the solar panel kits.


Modern technologies ensure ultimate control in daily activities so that people don’t waste their time on meaningless actions. With innovative home solutions, one can come home late in the evening and enjoy free electricity in his safe place despite no sunshine availability. The power backup devices that store extra energy generated by the PV system during the daytime are available to supply the house with electricity as well as charge the electric vehicle during the night. So, while the house owner is resting, the EV gets charged, and the intelligent house devices work for him.

Another privilege worth mentioning is energy monitoring. Coming to the money and time waste the system monitoring plays an immense role. Since installing and maintaining a solar panel system is a tangible investment, one should make sure that it is justified. System monitoring will provide the consumers of solar with all the necessary data up to date. The information is available via smart home apps and can easily be modified based on one’s requirements. For people who value their time and budget system, remote control and monitoring are mandatory. They provide the opportunity to find out the exact time suitable for electrical devices’ utilization with a benefit to one’s wallet. Also, it is the easiest way to perform system diagnosis and fix the issue.

No Maintenance Is A Plus Too

As time shows, solar panels require minimum maintenance by the users. The only care a PV system needs is cleaning the photovoltaic modules once or twice a year. This can be done in two easy ways: by the new technology of robotic cleaning automatic mechanism or service delivery specialists. The first method is an innovative solution designed by Indian specialists for large PV plants and residential or commercial buildings. The robotic mechanism provides an express and permanent cleaning without a drop of water. It is smart and powered by individual mini panels as well. With no water and no electricity requirement, all one needs to do is to configure the device.


The second option is to refer to solar panel companies for service delivery since most of them provide PV module cleaning services for a particular payment. Although most of the panels come with a self-cleaning feature, tree leaves and debris must be cleaned individually to ensure high-efficiency system performance. Debris can become the reason for system performance decrease and result in roof humidity and decay.

Accept it or not, the future is for solar. It is time for each PV system consumer to gain the system’s benefits and become a solar ambassador to raise awareness among the others. With Nevada Solar Group, it will be most easy to do on Mother’s Day.

Author of a publication: Helen Kocharyan

The post To the Sun & Back: Going Solar Is Caring appeared first on Nevada Solar Group.


Nevada Solar Plans: Huge Solar Array North of Las Vegas

Nevada is home to some of the brightest sun available. It’s only natural that it is considered an excellent renewable energy source. For tha...