Thursday, April 29, 2021

Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) Market And Its Growth Acceleration

While the usage of renewable energy sources is rapidly expanding, solar energy is forefronting this growth. Accordingly, solar technologies and especially photovoltaic systems are improving very fast in recent years. PV systems are an essential part of solar roofing and solar energy production worldwide.

So, photovoltaic roofing materials develop, making it possible to replace roofing tiles and roofing shingles. Installing a PV roofing system is an ideal method of solar energy generation, becoming one of the most promising renewable energy technologies. With the federal government and state government financial incentives, tax credits and other subsidy programs, solar roofing becomes even more beneficial and cost-effective.

Building-integrated solar PV systems consist of several components, named modules. Those modules are integrated onto the building surface, like the roof or the facade.

Solar PV systems add a pleasant architectural look to the house or another building. Moreover, they will help you save money on roofing materials and electricity consumption. Besides, going green with PV systems drops down your carbon footprint and fossil fuel usage.

Building-Integrated PV Market Overview

With renewable energy progress, the demand for building integrated photovoltaic systems is rising. Roofing is a unique enclosure element of the building considering its impact on home energy consumption and environmental exposure. Today environmental impacts, such as global warming, natural resources reserves, air and plastic pollution and harmful emissions, accelerate the climate crisis. The increase in greenhouse gas emissions causes temperatures to rise, eventually causing catastrophic events worldwide.


Green roofing contributes to energy saving, indoor energy control, and air pollution decrease. In the upcoming years, green roofing will increase popularity, thus contributing to the BI photovoltaic market’s immense growth.

In 2020, the global BIPV market was valued at USD 14.4 bln. It is expected to reach USD 59.5 bln by 2028, expanding at a compound annual growth rate of 20%. BI photovoltaics provides a sustainable and effective solution for boosting energy efficiency. The government makes extensive efforts for the solar roofing installation market growth. Plus, the rising aesthetic appeal of integrated solar roofing shingles is another reason for the building-integrated photovoltaic market growth.

Building-Integrated PV Types

So, building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) are photovoltaic materials that are used as building materials for roofing. BI photovoltaics are used as replacements for conventional roofing materials in both commercial and residential buildings.

Building-integrated photovoltaics have various types based on modules, applications and end-use. By module type, BI photovoltaics include thin-film solar panels, flexible thin-film solar panels, thin-film or crystalline-based solar panels, and semi-transparent solar panels. In 2020, crystalline silicon photovoltaics dominated the building-integrated photovoltaics market share of over 73%. Monocrystalline and polycrystalline modules also witnessed high application demand in roofs.


Nevertheless, the thin-film technology market growth will be expected to capture a significant share during the forecast period by 2028. The thin-film segment is expected to register 192% growth during the forecast period.

Due to the high efficiency, crystalline-silicon products are a perfect use for residential buildings. The residential buildings have space constraints, so crystalline silicon photovoltaics are the most preferred material choice, especially for roofing. In 2020, BI photovoltaics had over 60% of the roof products market, primarily due to crystalline technologies’ progress. Thin-film solar shingles are more popular for residential roofing.

BIPV And Commercial Sector

With the rising popularity of renewable energy consumption in commercial office spaces, hospitals, airports and other popular commercial spaces, solar roofing implementation in commercial buildings can become a compulsory element of building construction. The main advantage of BI photovoltaics in commercial buildings is the energy generation expenses reduction.

So, an absolute 149% growth is expected during those forecast years. The number of working spaces increases, and, of course, the growing importance of zero-energy practices can also improve BI photovoltaics usage for commercial roofing.

With BI, photovoltaics improve the aesthetic appeal of commercial buildings and provide savings on electricity consumption, providing solar roofing product deployment.


Investing In The BIPV Market

As a result of solar inventions and futuristic solar technologies becoming mainstream, the solar market is likely to boost investments. Technology start-up companies are expected to venture into the BI photovoltaic market, bringing modern technological advances. So, efficient and innovative photovoltaics can lift the market growth during the upcoming forecast period.

Usually, the government gives enormous assistance and promotion policies for PV market growth. The government offers various financial and economic advantages to promote the PV market. Experienced roofing companies and certified roofing contractors are an essential part of the PV market’s future growth.

Lack Of Skilled Workforce In BIPV Installation And Maintenance

Photovoltaic system installation requires a spectrum of skilled workers, ranging from Ph.D. scholars in research and development fields to specialized technicians and other professionals for supporting all aspects of the PV industry.

However, today, the solar PV industry market does not have enough specialized PV installers. Therefore, it can result in poorly installed systems and creating a negative impact on the industry. So, workforce training initiatives will become an essential part of the PV market growth.

Author of a publication: Irene Abgaryan 

The post Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) Market And Its Growth Acceleration appeared first on Nevada Solar Group.


Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Solar Panel Cleaning With Advanced Robotic Technologies

The major motivation for transition to solar energy consumption is the tangible benefit to the budget. This positive change is easily checked due to various monitoring systems that come with the PV system. System monitoring allows the users to check photovoltaic modules’ daily performance and efficiency. The latter is directly connected to the sunshine availability. In case the PV cells don’t absorb sufficient sunlight, they will not be able to perform at maximum efficiency.


One of the reasons for solar panel malfunction is the dirt. Although most modern PV modules are manufactured with self-cleaning functions there is still the necessity to clean them once or twice a year. This issue is not of primary concern for people who have small arrays that can even be cleaned by themselves. However, big commercial arrays do require a specialist’s periodical visits. Many solar panel cleaning companies gladly implement the hard work in an estimated time, depending on the size of the array. The service price ranges between $3 -$5 per panel depending on several factors, such as building height, system size or roof slant. Annual inspections of solar panel systems that typically cost about $150 are also a necessity. Although some consumers prefer cleaning their residential system themselves, the process is quite tricky and dangerous since there is always the chance to fall off the roof.


All these troubles will be in the past with the utilization of modern technologies. Ecoppia, the famous manufacturer of robotic cleaning technologies, suggests automated solar panel cleaning services. This method is a true revolution for solar farm owners who regularly face the problem of PV system cleaning and maintenance. The water-free cleaning robots’ latest installation was implemented in California, thus crossing the red line of 2,700 MW projects deployed worldwide. The T4 robot is eco-friendly – powered by the sun. It implements the solar panel cleaning service at night without human interference and using no water. The T4 is a true eco-friendly invention that functions without using any electricity or water. A cloud-based system is controlled remotely, cleaning the dust from the solar panels’ surface on a daily basis. Since permanent cleaning and proper maintenance of the PV system ensures its peak performance for the years to come, the role of these devices shouldn’t be underestimated. Disregard the solar panel cleaning cost demanded by various companies, the method of automatic cleaning is preferable for a number of reasons.


Since most of the large-scale solar farms are located in areas with many dust storms and little water, the concept of the autonomous cleaning method was a challenge for the developers. As a result, they designed the T4 sustainable cleaning solution to work in mentioned conditions. The uniqueness of this product moves it forth all the rest of solar panel cleaning companies. It has a different logic and is one of a kind in all the renewable technology markets. Featuring real-time analytics, the T4 is managed remotely and is weather-intelligent, enabling it to respond to changing conditions. The special microfiber removes all the dust from the panel surface without causing any harm to the module. Each robot has its own solar panel and self-cleaning mechanism.

As more and more people switch to solar energy consumption in the US, large-scale solar farms are sure to expand in California, Nevada and Texas, with the most suitable weather conditions. The solar panel installation for commercial buildings assumes ground-mounted arrays’ deployment involving several hundred PV modules. The maintenance of these modules via advanced robotic technologies will simplify the overall process together with remote performance monitoring.

Author of a publication: Helen Kocharyan

The post Solar Panel Cleaning With Advanced Robotic Technologies appeared first on Nevada Solar Group.


Friday, April 23, 2021

Need Quality And Durability? EV Chargers Are For You

The growth of electric cars and renewable energy management is transforming the new reality. To meet the needs of modern society and new generations, we need smarter mobility in everything. Moreover, with global climate change and its effect on the environment and society, the world needs a more sustainable, greener “fuel” for the economy and mainly transportation. The need for green fuel becomes especially essential as a result of recent fast technological development.


So, when it comes to the electric vehicle market, an EV is a way to solve the climate crisis and make the roads as clean as possible. An electric car is not an ordinary vehicle. With an EV, you can reduce your carbon footprint and need less engine maintenance or repair your vehicle by simply plugging it in and doing a software system update. Besides, EV’s let you save on petrol. And here come the electric vehicle charging stations.

An EV charger is an essential component for an electric car owner. An electric vehicle charging station, also known as an EVSE (electric vehicle supply equipment), will provide your car with power.

EV Charger Is Everything You Need

For a reliable, smart and emission-free future, EV chargers are the best solution. They are accessible and will meet your needs. The main advantage of an EV is that you can charge it at home, work, or shopping at a supermarket. While the EV market is growing, car manufacturers are designing new EV charging solutions: more EV charging stations in shopping malls, parking places and, of course, workplaces. So, electric cars are changing the way we move.

When thinking about buying an EV, the question you can have is how far it can go and how fast it will charge? How far the EV can go usually depends on the type and size of the EV battery, the weather, and the car’s efficiency. What for the charging time, it depends on the charger’s output, the weather, and the battery’s capacity.


Types Of Electric Vehicle Charging

For a sustainable future, EV charging companies must meet the needs of their customers.

Charging an EV is a simple process. You need to plug your EV into a charger that is connected to the electricity grid. Although there are charging stations plugged into a wall outlet or one that needs an installation. Accordingly, there are three main EV charger types: Level 1, Level 2, and fast charging.

Level 1 or 120-volt charging – this is the slowest charging type. The plug-in vehicles come with a charging cable or cord that you plug into the charging port with a box of electronic circuity between and into the regular 120-volt home outlet. Level 1 charging doesn’t deliver much power but can be enough to charge the car in a few hours at night (about 5 to 20 kWh). It is convenient and may be very useful when you often keep the vehicle parked somewhere close to an outlet.

Level 2 or 240-volt charging – this is twice as fast as Level 1 charging. Generally, battery-electric car drivers need a Level 2 charging station for their cars to recharge overnight. Level 2 chargers charge at a rate of 20 miles per hour on average. Its charger power determines the charging rate of the vehicle. SO, this charger requires a 240-volt outlet and a charging station unit.

Level 1 and Level 2 charging will primarily meet your changing needs. But in case you plan to make long-distance trips with your electric vehicle often, you can need fast charging to charge your EV faster. DC fast charging uses direct current (DC) instead of home alternating (AC) energy and is super high-powered. A regular fast charger of about 25 kW can give you additional 50 miles in 30 minutes of charging, and a modern fast charger can add more than 120 miles of range in 30 minutes of charging.

Fast charging is costly and will let you drive hundreds of miles in a day. Thus it is not a good option for daily use. So, make sure if your car needs fast charging before getting one.


Where To Charge Your EV

Today, there are many ways to charge the EV, including charging at home or work, public charging stations. Home EV charger is the most convenient and cost-effective method of charging your electric vehicle. When owning a battery-electric car, install an EV charging station in the garage or carport. 120-volt charging cords will be enough for your plug-in hybrid vehicle.

Charging the EV at work is becoming popular recently. The companies are fighting against the carbon footprint in this way. Commercial EV charging stations are not expensive, and they will also create a good reputation for the company.

Another important point when choosing a charging station is the location: inside or outside. In the event you have no garage to store your car, you will need a charging station with outdoor functionality.


The number is public charging stations is growing each year. With the battery technology progress and improvements, charging stations’ cost is also going down throughout the world, especially in the United States. Thus, buying an environmentally friendly car at a reasonable price is already real.

Plus, switching to an electric car is more accessible than most people realize. It just needs some planning concerning time and getting used to plug-ins instead of visiting the petrol stations.

Author of a publication: Irene Abgaryan 

The post Need Quality And Durability? EV Chargers Are For You appeared first on Nevada Solar Group.


Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Roofing Solutions Come In A Variety With Nevada Solar Group

Energy efficiency, comfort, weather protection, home value upgrade – all of these come with roofing. Many people neglect the importance of it without considering that besides being an exterior design, it is an interior rescuer. A high-quality and durable roof hinders rain, hail, snow, etc., protects from insects and rot, as well as provides the required base for renewable energy equipment installations like solar panel systems. The last point is essential to note as sustainability is the number one concern of people all over the world. Believe it or not, a cleaner and greener environment is what everyone wants. Considering this and other crucial factors why roofing is important, it is essential to do any roof modification with a trustworthy, professional, and leading roofing contractor like Nevada Solar Group. They offer multiple types of solutions to their customers. Let’s see what they have prepared for you.

What Type of Roofing Nevada Solar Group Offers?

  • Asphalt Roof Shingles

The wide range of variety of asphalt roof shingles makes them suitable for use for many purposes. Dimensional, luxury, and 3-tab types are accessible for us. Each of these listed types has the best ratings, including A fire, impact, and high wind. Besides, these get provided with a 50-year warranty. Due to their mimicking of wood, tile, slate, and other presentable, modern roof surfaces, variety in sizes, colors, and styles, as well as match with the standards of Energy Star, purchasing them is the only option to consider.


  • Clay Tile Shingles

Clay tile shingles are well-designed and sustainable. Thanks to the innovative and modern design of these shingles, people go for them to renovate and improve the design of their houses. With a beautiful design, insulation, home value surge, environmental friendliness, energy efficiency, and 80-year durability are advantages that come along.


  • Peel And Stick Roofing

One of the best-looking options to consider for your roof is peel and stick roofing. It looks both innovative and luxurious. The rolling fiberglass covered with a self-adhering membrane gets attached to the roof after being stabbed. Turns out, the installation process is simple. Plus, it is resistant to any weather condition. However, to ensure that everything will be completed on the highest level possible, it is important to consider companies like Nevada Solar Group as your roofing contractor. One of the reasons for trust is the fact that it consumes well-known and high-quality Carlisle roofing products.


  • Real Slate Roofing

Volcanic ash and clay – two things that slate roof tiles, used for real slate roofing, resemble. If you decide to go for this type, the first benefit that you will get is the opportunity to choose a color of your choice. The thing is that slate roof tiles don’t have color limitations, thanks to the different mineral compositions and weather properties of each tile. Besides, this type is sustainable, fire-resistant, durable, weather-resistant. What else do we need?


  • Tile Roofing

A durable and modern roof is possible with tile roofing. Suitable mainly for areas with hot climates, low rain frequency, or salt air, this type provides a perfect top for your house, no matter the circumstances. Durability, insect & rot resistance, energy efficiency, wide variety, and low maintenance are advantages that make tile roofing worth trying. Solely professionals should complete services of this type not to ruin the housetop. Companies like Nevada Solar Group, which utilize high-quality products of Eagle Roofing, should be trusted in such cases.


  • Seam Metal Roofing

Seam metal roofing details have a resemblance with raised seams or vertical legs. They look futuristic; however, the installation process is simple and accessible. As a member of the metal roofing family, it is quite innovative as concerning design, seam metal roofing details come clipless. Most of the time, this type of roofing is suitable for low-sloped roofs. What’s the best about this type is the low maintenance cost. To maintain the high quality and longevity of the roof, it is vital to choose the right contractor. Professionals like Nevada Solar Group that use Decra Metal Roofing products may never go wrong with this type.


Why Nevada Solar Group?

Nevada Solar Group, being a sister company of LA Solar Group, has corresponding expertise in the field. Solar solutions alongside roofing services come with value, quality, and warranty in Nevada Solar Group. Great customer service, professionalism, and result-driven mind makes the company a best-fit for you. Professionals like Shingle Master, CertainTeed, GAF are partners of Nevada Solar Group. Turns out, high quality roofing can be coupled with excellent solar panel installation if your choice stops at Nevada Solar Group.

Final Note

Roofing solutions come in a wide variety in order to please customers and go beyond their expectations. Choosing a professional, qualified, and exclusive roofing contractor in the industry is already easy because of such experts like Nevada Solar Group. Coupled with exclusive solar panel installation, home renovation is a dream come true. Invest in your house to get energy efficiency, weather protection, home value upgrade, and comfort at once.

The author of a publication: Veronika Abrahamyan

The post Roofing Solutions Come In A Variety With Nevada Solar Group appeared first on Nevada Solar Group.


Friday, April 16, 2021

Just Like Renewable Energy, Tesla Powerwall Is Rechargeable

Who said that great things cannot be captured? Even the sunshine can! Well, I agree that it may sound vague and unrealistic; however, there is a piece of equipment that has already made it a reality. Have you ever heard about the Tesla Powerwall? If not yet, then the brand Tesla should be familiar to your ear. What the brand did is putting the need for energy consumption upon demand and the sun’s power together. The combination of two brought Tesla Powerwall into reality. As its distributor, Nevada Solar Group constantly voices out how different it is from other home batteries. Among a plethora of solar panel batteries, the powerwall is compact, simple, and, most importantly, rechargeable. Believe it or not, with the Tesla Powerwall, it is impossible to feel the need for energy, no matter what.

Why Choose Energy Storage With Tesla Powerwall?

A lithium-ion battery with rechargeability is what Tesla Powerwall represents from itself. With the capability to store over 13.5 kWh of clean power, it effectively electrifies your home. It is a piece of equipment convenient for combining PV panel installation along with it. With its efficient functioning, it is capable of providing the best outcome in terms of power consumption and conservation without efficiency loss. With its spec of optimizing energy use depending on the amount of produced power, no energy gets wasted or meaninglessly sent back to the electric grid. Instead, each kWh gets stored for later use upon demand, no matter the time – day or night. What’s the best about Tesla Powerwall specs is its ability to supply solar power to the home even during power outages or blackouts. There, you may notice that it is a feature characteristic of many home batteries. As an answer, I’d reassure you that even though it characterizes a plethora of solar storage equipment, not every solar equipment except the Tesla’s has the potential to supply solar power for over a week – 7 days. Moreover, whenever a power outage or blackout occurs, the piece of equipment has the capability to detect it before its occurrence and switch to supplying the conserved energy in less than a second. That is, even if something happens to the grid, you, as a consumer, will never feel that something wrong happened.


How Does Energy Conservation With Tesla Powerwall Work?

Tesla Powerwall installation alongside its functioning and maintenance is convenient to conduct. The usage of this smart and compact device begins with its seamless installation. The installation occurs through a mounting operation on a wall to get integrated into the functioning system of the electric grid locally. Such a mechanism helps it gain dominance in the region and give its consumers the possibility to monitor electricity costs and energy consumption from home. Besides being simple and compact, Tesla Powerwall has the capability to operate both with or without solar, providing a competitive advantage of making it available no matter how the grid works. In the case of with-solar operation, the device starts functioning as soon as the sun rises. At times when PV panels generate more energy than the home consumes, the smart equipment stores the excess energy instead of sending it back to the electric grid. As soon as the sun goes down in the night, the equipment stops energy conservation. Indeed, with the start of a new day, the Tesla’s smartie gets recharged so that the consumer has access to renewable and clean power. In the case of without-solar functioning, the device optimizes electricity costs and starts charging at low times, discharging at high times. The latter automatically generates savings, making the device capable of becoming the main energy provider of the house whenever an electricity outage or a blackout happens. With your decision to go solar and purchase a Tesla Powerwall, it’ll be the time when you can see how simple, compact, and savvy home batteries can be.


Final Note

Among multiple home batteries, Tesla Powerwall is worth a try. Its rechargeability, savviness, efficiency, and great optimization skills make it a dream in our reality. As mentioned above, Tesla Powerwall capacity is comparably larger than the ones of other home batteries, which makes it durable for long-term consumption. As I can see, you got until the end of this article, so you may go for the purchase. As a piece of advice, go for the purchase from Nevada Solar Group – a solar company distributing Tesla’s diamonds. Not only are they the professionals of the work they complete, but also they know how to make your solar experience a blast.

Go solar with Nevada Solar Group and feel the perks of energy conservation while its consumption.

The author of a publication: Veronika Abrahamyan

The post Just Like Renewable Energy, Tesla Powerwall Is Rechargeable appeared first on Nevada Solar Group.


Ways To Finance A Commercial Solar Panel Installation

Do you want to continue doing your business meanwhile saving and earning money? Then commercial solar panel installation is the right choice for you. Its essence lies in installing a solar panel system on the commercial building where your business is located. Of course, where the solar equipment will be mounted depends on the location of the commercial building. However, taking into account the allocation of businesses primarily in the city center, mainly rooftop solar installation takes place with commercial buildings. It is an addition to the business that opens up possibilities for cutting costs alongside upgrading building design and name recognition as a company with high corporate social responsibility (CSR). Above all, what’s the best about choosing to invest in solar panel installation is the possibility of choosing among a plethora of financing options as a result of cooperation with great solar panel companies like Nevada Solar Group. So, let’s dig deeper into the topic to acknowledge the why-s and how-s of commercial solar panel investments.

Why Invest In Commercial Solar Panel Installation?

Many business owners hesitate to make their business a solar one because of mistrust in the benefits that it may bring. However, the experience of multimillionaire companies from different industries shows that a commercial solar panel installation gives the business the opportunity to feel how consumption of a resource can bring financial and corporate benefits. No matter how the business functions, energy consumption turns out efficient and financially viable with photovoltaic (PV) panel installation. Commercial customers love the part about the financial viability of PV module installation. Let me list 4 main financial perks that come with the integration of a commercial solar panel into your business.


  1. electricity pay becomes equal to $0.02/kWh
  2. electricity bills get decreased by 90 percent
  3. ROI surges by over 20 percent
  4. complete, 100 percent finance becomes available for the business assets

Can you already feel how beneficial solar can be for your business in its financial meaning? I am happy to hear the positive answer! Now, let’s see how you can finance the investment so that it suits your financial needs and opportunities.

Cash & Loans

Let’s start with cash and loans. The reason to begin with these options is their feasibility to reap the most out of solar incentives on a federal and state level, plus put a start to depreciation with an accelerated rate of return. Taking into account the high solar panel tax credit that still dominates the industry in an amount of 26 percent, going solar with your business is worth a try. Why do I mention cash along with loans? Because it is assumable that not every company may have access to the required amount of money for full cash payment. Considering that, a cash purchase may be coupled with loans. Still, cash combined with loans is a possible maximizer of ROI for commercial PV panel installation.



Higher payment per month without immediate ownership – shortly termed leasing. What’s the best about leasing is the opportunity to negotiate at the end of the term to acquire the good. Among a plethora of leasing programs, you will definitely find the best fit for you. With leasing, you eliminate the need to get fully integrated into the financing process and attribution of tax liabilities, technological obsolescence, commercial solar panel cost, etc. In the case of choosing a responsible company like Nevada Solar Group, leasing may be your go-to option.


The abbreviation PPA is Power Purchase Agreements – the word speaks for itself. While going for the PPA, a client takes care of the payment for the generated energy at the lowest possible rate, completely different from what utilities offer to their consumers. It is quite similar to leasing because it also provides the opportunity to take advantage of depreciation and tax incentives that come with solar. What people love about PPA is the possibility of having potential power cost savings without costs of capital. Besides, stability and predictable monitoring of the energy cost is guaranteed to be long-term with PPA.


Final Note

Commercial solar panel installation is a massive gain for any business. If you are a business owner that is hesitant to go solar, then take the opportunity to research the field because it is worth it! The article that you have just read listed most of the benefits of going solar commercially. With a highlight on its financial viability and multiple financing options, commercial PV panel installation cannot go wrong. Let’s make an investment that prioritizes the client’s finances. Let’s go solar, go save!

The author of a publication: Veronika Abrahamyan


The post Ways To Finance A Commercial Solar Panel Installation appeared first on Nevada Solar Group.


Friday, April 9, 2021

Storing Energy And Using It Later Is Now Possible With Tesla Powerwall

Solar energy is the fastest-growing renewable energy source worldwide. The solar energy market is expected to double in size by 2023. Solar energy is not only inexhaustible but also abundant. In comparison to fossil fuels that have a negative effect on the environment, solar power is the most environmentally friendly power source in the world. Moreover, renewable energy sources are becoming increasingly comparable to fossil fuels in price.

With solar power popularity rising, solar energy technologies are rising as well. Most of the solar technologies convert solar energy into electricity through PV panels or through concentrated solar power. Solar power systems are made up of different components, like solar panels, inverters, wires. However, the most wanted solar equipment today is solar batteries. A solar battery stores the excess solar power for later use.  

A Home Battery Storage

Home battery storage systems store solar power generated by solar panels so that you can use it later. Besides, home battery storage systems can also charge directly from the utility grid during off-peak hours when electricity rates are low. Then the battery can provide your home with energy during peak hours when rates are high. In this way, you are going to save money. Your solar battery can also serve as a backup power source in case of a power outage.

To understand if you need to install a solar battery system for your home, you need to realize how a solar panel system works. As we already mentioned, a solar power system consists of various components, including solar panels. Solar panels collect the sun’s energy and convert it into electricity. In case the energy produced is more than your needs, you can send the extra electricity back to the utility grid as most of the solar energy systems are connected to the grid. As a result, you will receive credits on the electricity bills. In a different case, whenever you need more power than you generate, you can draw energy from the electricity grid. Plus, you will use those credits instead of paying more.

With a battery storage system, you will minimize your reliance on the electricity grid and save more money. So, let’s find the advantages of solar batteries.

How Does A Solar Battery Function?

Installing a solar energy system, you will often have electricity excess produced by your solar panels. You can store this energy in your battery system instead of sending it back to the grid. So, when your solar panels generate more power than needed, the solar battery storage system will store it for later use. The higher battery storage capacity, the more power it will store. 

The extra energy charges your batteries, and in case of bad weather or at night when there is no sun, you can always draw electricity from your battery system. So, you will only need to send the extra energy to the grid in case your battery is already full. 

Another advantage of a solar battery system is that you will have backup power at your home in the event of an energy shortage. 

Do You Really Need A Solar Battery?

When choosing a solar battery system, the essential requirements are high power, high energy density, long battery life concerning charging and discharging cycles, battery safety, efficiency, charging rate, and, of course, the cost. Another important factor while choosing a battery system is the utility compensations when using solar energy. If your utility company has a net metering program, then you will save installing a battery system. 

Nowadays, speaking about solar batteries, we should know about the most popular battery system in the market – Tesla Powerwall. Tesla Powerwall is a lithium-ion battery storage system designed to function with a solar PV system, storing excess energy to be used when needed. You can install the Powerwall outdoors or indoors. 

In case you wonder if the Tesla Powerwall battery storage system is the right choice for you, first, you need to understand its features. By installing a solar battery, your primary purpose is to make the most of your solar panels. Tesla Powerwall will help you generate electricity as efficiently as possible. It will decrease the amount of energy you can need from the grid and make you more grid-independent. Tesla Powerwall will let you store the excess energy produced during the day and consume it later at night or on more insufficient weather days. Moreover, Powerwall gives you additional security in case of a power failure. 

With Tesla Powerwall, you can also reduce your electricity consumption bills significantly, especially in the summer months. Tesla Powerwall price is about $12,000 as of January 2021. To get more details on Powerwall, contact a professional solar company and get an accurate quote of Tesla Powerwall cost and installation process. Just take into account that Powerwall is the cheapest home battery system per kWh of storage capacity. So, by getting cheaper batteries than Powerwall, you are going to store less electricity. Furthermore, depending on your home location, you can have access to financial incentives to reduce your Tesla Powerwall installation costs. 

Author of a publication: Irene Abgaryan 

The post Storing Energy And Using It Later Is Now Possible With Tesla Powerwall appeared first on Nevada Solar Group.


Thursday, April 8, 2021

Roofing Is An Integrated Part Of Solar Journey: Why?

Hitting two goals with one purchase has never been easier. As it is known, solar panel installation requires durable and relatively novel roofs for a long solar experience. For you to picture how important it is to ensure the roof durability prior to solar panel installation, photovoltaic (PV) modules are projected to last for 25 years and beyond. During these years, their base – the roof should be capable of sustaining them. That is why it is crucial to make sure that the base is firm and nothing can harm it, accordingly create difficulties for PV panels’ functioning. Besides, with a firm and durable base, PV modules operate on high efficiency. This lengthens their lifespan and makes them more affordable and financially incentivized for you. The thing is that highly efficient solar panels are real sources for accumulating savings. I hope you got a sense of the interconnection between roofing and the solar journey. Indeed, details should come for puzzling out the complete picture. So, let’s proceed with the article and obscure why roofing is an integrated part of the solar journey. 

Roof Replacement Before Solar Installation

Roof replacement should be a prioritized activity prior to doing a step forward to go solar. The process of decision-making on replacing or maintaining it starts with the evaluation of the roof’s state. Depending on the lifetime of your roof, professionals may offer either a replacement or a renovation. The thing is that, for instance, a roof of 5-10 years of lifespan is the least possible to need replacement. However, based on the area of your residence, its weather conditions, and climate, the young roof may need a slight renovation. That is why it is vital to consult professionals and understand whether you own a reliable roof for solar installation. Even though not all solar panel companies are roofing companies, Nevada Solar Group incorporates two in one: a solar panel company specializing in roofing supplies. Such companies may aid your solar journey, as with them, you get the opportunity to trust the team for both procedures and not worry about a mismatch or miscommunication over the tasks that need to be done. 


Possible Options For Roof Replacement

It was not an instant that I mentioned hitting two goals with one purchase has never been easier right in the beginning. There is a magic-product that makes the process of roof replacement savvy, convenient, modern, and time-saving. The magic product’s name is solar shingle. In the essence of functionality, solar shingles are similar to PV panels. Solely, solar panels look bulkier. Instead, solar shingles are flat, way shinier and brighter, as well as modern. People, who go for solar installation through the engagement of roofing shingles, they never get upset after the purchase. The thing is that integrating two activities – roof renovation and solar installation at an affordable price with reliable solar and roofing contractors is challenging. But as soon as people find out about such companies like Nevada Solar Group, they just go for it because of the presence of loyal customer base. 


Does Roof Replacement Worth The Solar Experience?

The answer to this question depends primarily on the financial aspect of the notion you need to have a look at if interested in saving and collecting money. If it is the case, then the combination of roofing supply and solar installation services brings savviness to another level. One of the best things about PV installation is that the price is affordable to the extent that it saves tens of thousands of dollars – a considerable amount of money. On the contrary, it is well-known that roofing costs are astronomical. The combination of an astronomical price and opportunity to save on solar installation gives the magical possibility to make the roof replacement alongside solar installation way cheaper. That is why the combination should be considered, as it seems like it is a win-win offer.


Final Note

Roofing is an integrated part of the solar journey – truth in reality! No matter your desire to replace or renovate the roof, it needs to be inspected. Roof inspections lengthen the lifespan of solar panels as these operate on high efficiency with a firm and durable base. Not to mention, roof inspection prior to beforehand roof replacement preceding solar installation is the savviest that one can go for. The thing is that solar shingles, similar to solar panels, provide excellent roof coverage and energy circulation in the household. Plus, as during solar installation price drops and during roof renovation price increases, the combination of solar roofing seems a perfect one. So, go solar, go save – combine the unmatched.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

The author of a publication: Veronika Abrahamyan

The post Roofing Is An Integrated Part Of Solar Journey: Why? appeared first on Nevada Solar Group.


Friday, April 2, 2021

Need Quality And Durability? EV Chargers Are For You!

Streets are overwhelmed with vehicles. That phenomenon is the number one identifier of how toxic the environment is. To be exact, the overwhelming number of vehicles that consume fossil fuels are one of the major contributors to the contamination of greenhouse gas emissions; thus, climate change. The situation with such vehicles and the air quality is so bad that EU standards seem too high to identify the air quality as average. The thing is that such issues bring up the question of low economic growth, increasing prices, energy security, as well as fossil fuel depletion. Overall, the transportation sector is an unhealthy addition to all the operating sectors on Earth. That is why there is a need to undertake actions towards making the transportation sector a renewable, sustainable, and green contributor to the development of the world.


How To Go For Renewability?

For that purpose, people need to switch their mindset and start looking forward to purchasing electric vehicles. Such cars work through renewable power like solar energy without harming the environment, degrading the economy. Not to mention, they benefit human health as the air quality increases with green power consumption. To make it the best offer possible, it is essential to note that an EV charger, designed for fueling electric cars, is affordable, compact, and convenient for use during a road trip or at home. Plus, on-the-road EV charging stations exist and continue to be constructed to eliminate the possibility of facing an issue with an electric car on long road trips. Let’s proceed with the article to see how this fascinating device should be chosen and understand what factors, indeed, need to be considered while affording a home EV charger.


How To Choose Home EV Charger?

The primary advantage of having an EV charger at home is its possibility to give the EV owner drive the car whenever needed at any distance. However, some details need to be considered before going for the purchase. It is important to watch for every innovation in the market as the industry constantly renews collections. At this moment, the best EV charger of 240 voltage called Level 2 overcame the expectations of consumers who are accustomed to using 110-volt home EV chargers. What it does is provide the maximum of 60 miles of charging at RPH (Range Per Hour). Faster charging means faster fueling of the car and longer battery life for any road trip. Furthermore, your choice of the charger should mirror your driving style, daily commute, and car range. Suppose you prefer top-speed driving, have daily long commutes but low-range EV. Of course, with such circumstances, the trendy and renewed Level 2 one would suit you the best. However, as the power to the EV charger comes from a solar panel, it is crucial to ensure that a particular charger works well with the PV module you own in connection with the current. Plus, another essential consideration should be for the charger to match a particular electric car that you have with regards to amperage and RPH. For instance, 20A required circuit matches well with the 16A RPH of 19 km.


Factors Needing Consideration

What can be more important than choosing the right EV charging company? It is the first step towards a successful switch to sustainable EV driving. Solar panel companies like Nevada Solar Group provide additional EV charging products alongside solar installations to make the life of a consumer the happiest possible. Imagine purchasing both attributes from one company and having the opportunity to rely on them to make them match one another and work smoothly.


Besides the trust that exists when both purchases are made from one company, that particular company needs to have safety and reliability backed up. What does that mean? While choosing the company, please make sure that products are tested and qualified by a nationally certified laboratory. It will provide you with the inner confidence that products will operate well for the longest possible time. Besides, the longer these devices operate, the higher their efficiency is. Accordingly, the bigger your savings are. Yes! Saving is possible with EVs. Depending on your residence area, you get the opportunity to take EV charging rate plans to make the purchase as affordable as possible. Grants, rebates, and scheduling of time for charging are possibilities that can be used for the sake of saving money.

Final Note

Considering the environmental benefits of electric vehicles, the convenience of EV chargers, and the financial benefits that come along, there is no way to go wrong with the sustainable switch to EV driving and charging in the case of the correct choice.

The author of a publication: Veronika Abrahamyan 


The post Need Quality And Durability? EV Chargers Are For You! appeared first on Nevada Solar Group.


Thursday, April 1, 2021

Go Solar With The Financing Option Of Your Choice

There are many benefits of solar energy consumption, such as greenhouse negative effect reduction, independence from the local power grid, financial incentives and return on investments, integration into modern technologies, remote house monitoring system utilization, etc. However, one of the first motivations for switching to solar remains, doubtless, the positive influence on your budget. Modern solar panel companies arrange various methods of exploitation and payment for solar energy consumers. These options aim to simplify and adapt to the user’s needs and potentials. The investigation and research of different versions are highly recommended. However, before making a final decision, it is highly recommended to get at least three solar panel financing quotes from diverse vendors. To better imagine what financial options you will have, let’s have some insight into the details.



For some customers, PV system leasing may sound unacceptable, while for others, this may be an excellent opportunity to turn into solar. This method is incredibly convenient for people whose financial potential does not allow them to make a purchase, whereas the desire to switch to solar energy consumption is big. How can you benefit from the leasing of the solar panel system? The answer is simple: as you plan to install a PV system, you make your preliminary calculations and receive a high payment cost. This may be shocking, especially if it goes far beyond your budget. The system loan allows such customers to have what they want for no money. More precisely, in this case, you don’t actually own that system; however, you have the right to consumption. You get your solar energy and pay the bills to the installation company. The latter, however, remains the owner of the solar panel kit. You benefit from the lower rates of your energy, but the owner himself receives the direct incentives. Solar leasing usually suggests a 20-year warranty and maintenance service agreement with some escalation clause. The latter assumes the increase of monthly payments every few years. So, if you decide to loan a PV system instead of buying one, I recommend you be highly attentive to the terms and conditions under which you sign. Another significant aspect of leasing is transferring the lease with the house in case you decide to sell it. This will lower your chances of selling your residence for a better price. The reason is simple; if your house owns a photovoltaic system, it automatically increases its price and gets better chances to be sold. With a solar lease, the new owner will also receive the agreement signed between you and the solar panel installationcompany.



If your budget allows you to buy your PV system with cash, this is the ideal option for investing in solar energy consumption. First, it adds some benefits to your house as a sale item, increasing its price. Also, you become the one and only owner of your renewable energy system and receive all the ROI (return on investments) and tax incentives. Purchasing with cash, you are sure to get some rebates and bonuses from the company. The actual cash purchase can also be financed with the bank. This option provides an excellent benefit of not paying the total money upfront.

Nevertheless, this method will significantly reduce your expected paybacks and financial benefits compared to upfront cash payments. Your solar panel purchase can also be implemented via Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Financing. To comprehend what it stands for, imagine that the local government creates legislation, then the lender gives certain funds to the homeowner to purchase the desirable photovoltaic system. As a result, the property owner repays the debt through the property taxes. With this payback method, you can easily choose the type of solar system with all its devices attached without worrying much. PACE is a widely accepted option that is designed to encourage solar energy consumption in the U.S.


Solar Power Purchase Agreement

A Solar Power Purchase Agreement (SPPA) is a financial contract signed between parties, one of which owns, develops and maintains the solar panel kits. The host customer agrees to purchase the electricity generated by these systems. The developers of SPPAs are called service providers. These agreements are usually signed with a long-term condition, from 6 to 25 years duration. Due to SPPA, the host can receive stable electricity with fixed low prices, and the service owner gets financial benefits and solar panel tax credits. It is a so-called mutually beneficial deal with convenient conditions for both sides. Some of the host customer’s benefits include stable and predictable electricity monthly costs, no upfront capital cost is required, property value automatic increase, no operational risk or system performance.


Now that you have more or less imagined the financial options offered by manufacturing companies, it will be easier for you to calculate your upcoming expenses for switching to solar. Based on the company you choose, prices may differ for solar panel installation costs and all the devices and equipment required for your future PV system. These requirements are based on your residence’s specification and your average demand for energy consumption. And remember, a specialist’s opinion is always a plus in this case.

Author of a publication: Helen Kocharyan

The post Go Solar With The Financing Option Of Your Choice appeared first on Nevada Solar Group.


Nevada Solar Plans: Huge Solar Array North of Las Vegas

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