Friday, March 26, 2021

Top Secrets To Uncover Before Rooftop Solar Panel Installation

To install or not to install? The answer to such a question will always be positive as soon as you uncover the top secrets of rooftop solar panel installation. The number one burden that emerges while pondering about whether to go solar or not concerns the financials. People don’t know if there are hidden costs to rooftop photovoltaic (PV) module installation. That is why it is crucial to educate everyone about what finances are involved in such a procedure. Afterward, the second problem usually concerns the main installation process as it is not everyone’s profession to be a solar panel installer. Professional installers perform the procedure on a whole different level integrating techniques unknown to consumers. That is why it is vital to acknowledge the installation process to the minimum potential for the purpose of understanding whether the professionals do the job adequately or not. Of course, if we talk about the fastest-growing solar panel companies in the US like Nevada Solar Group, then surely there can be no doubt on the professionalism and job adequacy. But still, it will do no harm if the customer also gets knowledgeable and engages in the process. 

Fastest Return On Investment

People get deceived by solar panel companies and go for financing options that seem savvier than a cash purchase. Believe it or not, who thinks that way regrets in the future. Why is that so? The thing is that going solar and purchasing a PV panel system comes with financial incentives. While making a cash purchase, you are the one who gets those financial incentives. In the case of going for a financing option like leasing, the leasing company is the one taking them. At the end of the day, if calculating how much you can save by making a cash payment rather than by leasing, cash payment wins. Besides, paying cash is always a quicker way of getting ROI. Even if, after thinking about direct payment, there is a financial issue regarding instant payment, let me suggest a secure and savvy financing option to go solar – loan. No matter the loan is secured or unsecured, it is an option that helps you avoid costs that come with leasing. Moreover, solar loans require an incremental investment which makes your solar journey a financial heaven. 


Go Solar In 2021

One of the greatest financial incentives to grab while planning rooftop PV panel installation is a solar panel tax credit. You may not believe it, but 2021 is the last year that sustains a 26 percent of tax credit in the solar industry. For you to picture the extent of its significance, it is the second-highest solar panel tax credit in the solar industry’s history. If I were you, I would hurry to go solar as that tax credit relieves the financial burden to the maximum possible extent. 


Pay Attention To The Warranty

While going for solar panel installation on the rooftop, it is important to understand how long the company takes responsibility for maintenance procedures. Warranty of 25 years and beyond secures your purchase as you acknowledge that the company is responsible for further maintenance procedures by contract. Besides, it secures your financial state as no additional cost comes at you because of a system malfunction. Plus, you ensure that solar panel efficiency will always remain on top no matter what happens further. 

Be Careful With Rooftop Quality

While going for rooftop solar panel installation, it is of utmost importance to know whether there is a need for rooftop renovation or not. The thing is that quality-wise, PV module installation needs to be mounted on a durable roof. If there is a need to refurbish the roof, you also need to be aware of roof renovation services that most of the solar panel companies conduct. The cost of roof restoration is usually included in the installation as it is a part of securing PV panels on the roof in the best possible way. Besides, with a durable and safe roof installation, the aesthetic side comes to attention. When PV modules are installed in a modernized roof, the look of the house completely changes. Panels look smoother, shinier, and more modern. Overall, the house starts looking way more expensive and luxurious than prior to roof replacement and PV panel installation. Let’s not forget that houses with rooftop solar panels are worth way more than ordinary ones. 


Final Note

Rooftop solar panel installation has secrets that each beginner solar consumer should uncover before undertaking the main procedure. Secrets concern the finances and installation processes. Keep in mind that for the fastest ROI, it is important not to lease the solar purchase. Hurry to go solar in 2021 for the second-highest solar panel tax credit in the industry’s history. Never forget to check on the warranty a particular company provides. Be attentive to rooftop quality to have the opportunity to save money and time alongside getting the best aesthetic solar rooftop possible.

The author of a publication: Veronika Abrahamyan 

The post Top Secrets To Uncover Before Rooftop Solar Panel Installation appeared first on Nevada Solar Group.


Thursday, March 25, 2021

Solar Industry Gets Upgraded: Innovations Of EV Chargers

Living a care-free lifestyle in a sustainable environment is worth everything. People and companies all over the world work towards eliminating aspects of any sphere that contributes to environmental degradation. One of such spheres is the automotive industry. Well-known and commonly consumed fossil fuels are generously used in the manufacturing and sustaining of automobiles. By coming into the air, toxic pollution overwhelms the environment. Greenhouse gas contamination solely enhances the carbon footprint on Earth, which can turn our lives into horror movies. To tackle the problem of pollution, two industries got mixed, including the automotive and solar industries. In its turn, the automotive one came up with the idea of producing electric vehicles. Accordingly, solar panel companies like Nevada Solar Group integrated EV chargers into their production to complement the innovation of the automotive industry. Subsequently, as the world develops daily, both industries thrive, constantly innovating already existing products. With each model of electric cars, easier ways of charging those get introduced by EV charging companies. Recently, innovations of EV chargers surmounted expectations. Are you interested in knowing what those innovations are? Let’s proceed with the article to see!

Bidirectional Charger

Ordinarily used PV modules give the incentive to send extra energy back to the grid. If the solar industry provides such a benefit to one type of technology, why not give it to another one, too? Bidirectional chargers are an innovative type of EV chargers that accommodate electric vehicle owners to send extra energy back to the grid. That is, vehicle-to-grid (V2G) transfer of power is now possible. Such an opportunity provides EV owners and energy companies to balance demand and supply of power. The thing is that the demand for electric cars rises, which consequently leads to an energy demand surge. For the purpose of regulating power demand and supply, the power transfer formula of V2G got integrated into our lifestyles. Apart from its balancing notion, V2G is an additional source of income. Similar to sending PV panel’s excessively generated energy back to the grid, vehicle-to-grid energy transfer also can be paid by energy companies.


Wireless Charging

Futuristic – a word that drives innovation. Wireless charging is all about the future. Day by day, there is a surge in shared vehicle services. One of the best EV chargers and recent examples of wireless charging is Hyundai’s automated parking system. It allows drivers to take care of EV charging without being around. That is, a driver has the possibility to direct the maintenance to a parking spot. There, the car finds its spot and starts getting charged there without the need to be plugged in by the driver. The mechanism behind it is simple: EVs get automatically and wirelessly charged as soon as there is a demand. That is, whenever the battery gets low, they find a spot to fill it. Even though the project is literally futuristic, there is a company called Fortum that has already started structuring wireless charging stations designed particularly for taxis.


Solar Charging

With this innovation in the EV Charging industry, we are introduced to EV charger types. The first one aids the process of conversion of solar power into electricity. The second one works via solar panels that are attached to the EV’s roof. Both are full of potential to change how electric vehicles can be charged. Indeed, with the second option, more innovation comes to work. Companies like SolarEdge ponder about introducing inverters specifically designed for aiding the functioning of home EV chargers. As it seems, the solar industry, in association with the automotive industry, wants to make innovation convenient for consumption anywhere and everywhere.


High-Speed Charging

Until now, Tesla introduced a surprisingly fast EV charger called Tesla’s Supercharger. The capacity of this super-technology is charging up to 80 percent only in 30 minutes. As anticipated, the competition in the market is high, which made other companies like Porsche and BMW think about surmounting Tesla and introduce a faster charging device capable of adding 99 kilometers in 3 minutes. It is swift but too futuristic. The thing is that such fast EV chargers take 450 kilowatts, which is a considerable amount for electric cars in the market. The maximum possible capacity that an EV can take is the one of Tesla production, taking up to 120 kilowatts. This being said, even though the market evolves and puts the innovative mind into action, still a considerable step forward should be taken to make high-speed charging compatible with today’s reality.


Final Note

Bidirectional charger, wireless charging, solar charging, and high-speed charging are four of a plethora of innovations currently being developed in the automotive and solar industries. As the world strives towards environmental sustainability, our number one goal is to eliminate pollution. Electric vehicles are significant contributors to that. To sustain electric cars, convenient charging mechanisms are being developed. Let’s see where the professionals of these fields take us. Chances are high that the future comes to us.

The author of a publication: Veronika Abrahamyan


The post Solar Industry Gets Upgraded: Innovations Of EV Chargers appeared first on Nevada Solar Group.


Friday, March 19, 2021

Powerwall: Perfect For Energy Efficiency

Cutting-edge and affordable energy conservation are now possible with Tesla Powerwall. During daily power outages and periodical blackouts, thoughts on how amazing it’d be to have stored energy for such cases come to mind. Thoughts are now a possibility to realize through Tesla home battery. Being a home battery capable of conserving excess solar energy, a powerwall provides one with extra energy to consume upon demand. Besides its primary function, you may acknowledge numerous Tesla Powerwall specs and benefits throughout this article. Let’s proceed and see how this fantastic home battery can aid your lifestyle.

Key Features

Do you know what you get after purchasing a Tesla Powerwall? Surely we will explore together, but one thing is for sure: you get a lot. First, what attracts this particular home battery is its technical specifications that are specifically chosen to provide the best possible experience to consumers. For you to picture how well it is composed technology-wise, I’d be delighted to tell you that it has 14 kWh energy capacity, 90 percent round trip efficiency, three operating modes, and all of that within 251.3 lbs equipment. If these numbers don’t tell you a thing, market analysis shows that this particular powerwall has the highest capacity among PV panel batteries.


Three Operating Modes

Among the technological specs, three operating modes are mentioned. These include Solar Self-Consumption, Time-Based Control, and Backup Power. Even though such a specialty may look unnecessary to you, but these modes help the solar consumer control when and how the battery stores and gives out power.

Solar Self-Consumption Mode

The first mode, called Solar Self-Consumption, takes care of energy usage upon demand by itself. That is, it collects extra energy generated by PV modules. As soon as the need to power the home arises because of a lack of solar power, the powerwall starts electrifying it.

Time-Based Control

The second mode, Time-Based Control, ensures savvy consumption of the home battery with on-grid PV panels. In some sense, it helps the consumer to cover Tesla Powerwall cost. How is that possible? The essence of this mode is to monitor peak times of electricity prices and stop drawing energy from it until energy rates get back to either average or cheap. To make it simpler, the powerwall collects energy from the grid during reasonable energy rates. Then, it gives you the possibility of using the stored energy during expensive electricity rates. Such a mechanism helps you to save money on electricity. Accordingly, savings slowly start covering the initial price of Tesla Powerwall.

Backup Power

The third mode, called Backup Power, is what you need during power outages or, even worse – blackouts. At first glance, this mode can seem useless as the main feature of the home battery is to contain backup power. However, if this mode is on, the Tesla Powerwall doesn’t let out energy upon demand unless it is a power outage or a blackout. If with other modes the equipment distributes the stored energy according to needed activities to perform, with this mode it lets out 100 percent of conserved energy for the purpose of powering home when there is no electricity available regionally.


Tesla Powerwall Cost Affordability Is Beyond Expected

For many customers, including myself, price defines quality. However, when things concern equipment like Tesla Powerwall, I reconsider such a definition because of the competitive market. Most of the time, PV panel companies put lower-than-expected prices on products to lure customers. For the majority of the time, they work based on the motto quality defines the price. Regarding Tesla home battery, it is nothing in-between these two mottos.


The quality and the number of specs that it brings to the consumer override the low price. Among its competitors, it provides the lowest price possible for the full package of benefits and possibilities. For each kWh storage capacity, Tesla home battery charges approximately $630. Small market research will ensure you that this is the lowest price possible for the magical equipment.

Final Note

Tesla Powerwall, with all its benefits and specs, is worth being added to your solar panel system. Not only it helps you to save energy, but it also adds up your financial savings.

Forget power inaccessibility with Tesla Powerwall.

The author of a publication: Veronika Abrahamyan

The post Powerwall: Perfect For Energy Efficiency appeared first on Nevada Solar Group.


Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Solar Panel is a Life Changer: 7 Ways To Use It

Have you ever thought that going solar can hinder multiple ways of power consumption? Well, well, then it’s the right moment to ponder about it. Stereotypically, solar power can solely assist in electricity supply to the house for daily activities connected with energy usage. However, it turns out that the sun’s energy can be utilized in different ways through innovative equipment – solar panels. If I were you, I’d hurry to read the article, taking into account the number of ways solar panels bring up to consume energy. Let’s go!

#1 Basic But Demanded: Solar Electricity

With the decline in electricity costs and increase in environmental consciousness, people strive towards lighting up their houses through the sun. With the solar panel installation, people access the energy of the sun and bring savviness, environmental friendliness, as well as unlimited energy usage into their lives. Plus, if people decide to go after solar panel kits, which include solar panel batteries, they hit two goals with one shot. The storage equipment helps consumers to save excessively generated energy from the sun for later use upon demand. In this sense, people gain the opportunity to save money and energy. Thus, recover solar panel cost, still getting full solar panel efficiency.


#2 Water Heating Through Solar

Water heating systems can now be connected to the sun. How is that possible? Solar water heaters absorb sunlight through the cells of the rooftop and generate heat. In a hidden sense, if we dig deeper, these are photovoltaic (PV) panels in the water. What they basically do is convert sunlight energy into electricity to heat the water up. Moreover, these are used for making swimming pool temperature pleasurably warm. However, in the case of swimming pools, water gets to the collector through circulative motions, absorbs sunlight, and pumps itself back into the swimming pool. Taking into account the low costs of solar power, water heating through solar is one of the savviest ways to spend less for abundant energy. For the benefits and innovation of the water heating system, solar panel companies plan to integrate these types of systems into production. At the end of the day, these companies aim to bring the best value to the consumer by modifying a solar panel system according to the customer’s daily wants and needs.

#3 Seems Same But Is Different: Solar Heating

It is no surprise that the space for solar equipment installation is allocated on the roof of the building. To put it in another perspective, rooftops are considered spaces for solar heating systems. Accordingly, people use rooftops for the purpose of electricity generation. However, the benefits of rooftop solar installations don’t end with additional space usage. When one uses the roof as an electricity generation location, that person makes it look modern and innovative. The thing is that solar panels that are installed on rooftops shine bright like a diamond and give out an attractive spark. Also, in such cases with the rooftop solar installation, people have the option to go for solar shingles – flat alternatives to photovoltaic panels.

#4 Charging Technological Innovations Through Solar

Solar energy can be a lifesaver for our technological devices. The solar industry doesn’t stop developing daily, and it reached the point where portable solar chargers got invented. Charged by the sun’s energy, these portable chargers work in the same way like solar panels do. They absorb sunlight and convert it into electricity absorbable by technological devices. That is, solar cells generate electricity that fits the structure of the devices we use, like mobile phones. Such innovation takes out the issue of having devices running low on battery. What can be better than constant accessibility to technological gadgets and the capability to communicate at a distance?


#5 Transportation Through Solar

Solar-powered technological devices don’t limit the range of goods that can be utilized through the energy of the sun. Vehicles powered by the sun’s energy come right after them. In comparison to technological devices, these cannot be owned unless you are a solar customer. Why is that so? The thing is that PV panels generate electricity, which gets conserved in a storage battery. In its turn, the stored energy gets transferred to an EV charger to power the solar vehicle. So, it turns out that as soon as you purchase an electric vehicle, go solar, and eliminate fossil fuel consumption, you become environmentally responsible, savvy, and a modern consumer. Isn’t that where you want to be as a proud world citizen?


Final Note

Solar panels are real life-changers. Not only solar energy gets consumed directly through PV modules, but other systems get created resembling photovoltaic panel structure to meet people’s needs for daily activities like swimming pool temperature control. Without solar modules, people lose the chance of saving money and aiding the environment.

Go solar, grab the benefits!

The author of a publication: Veronika Abrahamyan


The post Solar Panel is a Life Changer: 7 Ways To Use It appeared first on Nevada Solar Group.


Friday, March 12, 2021

Why Is Going Solar In 2021 A Must?

You won’t believe the news! Solar panel tax credit remains at 26 percent in 2021. In 2020, solar consumers and people who planned to go solar lost their hope for a high solar panel tax credit. However, the new year started with good news, and solar consumers, alongside consumers who plan to go solar, continued enjoying one of the greatest financial benefits of the sun’s energy. But, here I should mention that 2021 is joyous to become a solar consumer, not solely for its financial incentives. Coupled with that, going solar brings a plethora of benefits. Let’s proceed with the article to acknowledge the full package of benefits that solar energy brings with it!

#1 Carbon Footprint Reduction

People excessively utilize vehicles fueled by fossil fuels, cut trees, increase manufacturing sites that let out toxic greenhouse gases. The extent of damage that such amounts of pollution bring to the environment is gradually devastating the habitat we live in. The carbon footprint on Earth is increasing day by day because of inconsiderate human activity. To avoid entering an inevitable state regarding the environment, people need to find ways to continue all those activities in an environmentally friendly manner. Of course, switching from fossil fuels to solar energy is one of the optimal and trending ways to do it! To help you picture the extent of the benefit the energy of the sun can bring to the environment, let me mention that one household consuming solar power eliminates 80 percent of the contamination of greenhouse gas emissions – a huge number! If each household may bring such an amount of benefit to the environment, it will get cleaner and cleaner every minute. 


What’s more, with solar energy, you can continue driving a car without environmental damage. How is that possible? Electric vehicles come to help with this one! Electric vehicles don’t pollute the environment. Besides, by going solar, you get the opportunity to purchase an EV charger that automatically gets charged by the sun and fuels your vehicle for limitless use. What can be better driving a car and knowing that it brings value to the surroundings? 

#2 Reduced Electricity Bills

You may think about going solar, but stop at the financial point and think of it as a costly resource because of its functionality. However, the energy of the sun doesn’t bring financial costs. Instead, it eliminates those! With solar energy, there are no monthly fluctuations in electricity bills. The monthly fee is fixed and may fluctuate from company to company, but still, it is incremental compared to standard electricity bills. 


#3 Forgotten Electricity Issues

Alongside fixed monthly small payments, you get inexhaustible energy to consume upon demand. With savvy and limitless solar energy, you automatically grab the perk of having electricity during power outages and blackouts. How can that phenomenon be explained? When you decide to go solar, you get a solar panel system. The PV system includes a solar panel battery – storing equipment that conserves excess sunlight energy for later use whenever needed. The extra power of the sun that gets stored in the battery can be consumed during critical periods like mentioned before. That is if you have work, studies, social meetings in the distance, a favorite TV show to enjoy, an instantaneous home party to relax, with the sun’s energy, you don’t have the problem doing all of that if something goes wrong with the electricity grid. The only measure that should be maintained for having all of the above-discussed exclusivities is being attentive to sustain off-grid solar equipment: one criterion – limitless opportunities. 


Final Note

Solar energy is a renewable resource worth a try! An environmentally friendly, savvy, and limitless source of energy can be accessible in 2021. If you want to contribute to a greener environment, save money for other spendings, and have access to electricity whenever preferable, then the sun’s energy should be brought to your house through a reliable solar panel company like Nevada Solar Group. Don’t forget that with all of the benefits that solar power brings with it, a high solar panel tax credit of 26 percent still dominates the industry. 

Go solar for the environment, financials, and accessibility. 

The author of a publication: Veronika Abrahamyan

The post Why Is Going Solar In 2021 A Must? appeared first on Nevada Solar Group.


Wednesday, March 10, 2021

What Nevada Solar Group Has Prepared For You?

Welcome to Nevada Solar Group! If you are here, I bet it is interesting for you to see what the company has to offer you. Also, you may be interested in how the product & service offerings may be useful and beneficial to consume. Am I right? Great! Let me first introduce Nevada Solar Group – a sister company of LA Solar Group, one of the best solar panel companies in the industry. Through many years of innovation and growth, Nevada Solar Group has reached a point where it can introduce its own product offerings to you – a potential customer. To cut a long story short, let’s proceed with the article and get acquainted with the products & services that the company offers.

Solar Panels

Of course, the first product offering is the main component of a photovoltaic (PV) system. So, what are solar panels? These are equipment-sustaining homes with one of the most abundant and free resources available – solar energy. Photovoltaic modules – aka solar panels – take out the function of converting sunlight into electricity with the aim to supply power to your house. Solar modules differ with each company, and their shapes, prices, colors, and efficiencies are unique to Nevada Solar Group. The company takes into account a customer’s wants & needs, preferences, and financial incentives while offering this particular product. As can be implied from a renewable resource supplier, solar modules are environmentally-friendly equipment. Indeed, on top of that, PV modules provide the consumer with an opportunity to make an affordable purchase alongside money savings.


Solar Panel Installation

The product offering of a PV panel implies the service offering of a solar panel installation. The installation process is a short-term procedure that gets conducted if the roof of a particular house corresponds to the criteria of a solar panel company. The thing is that the roof should let the equipment face the right direction at the right angle to receive the maximum sunlight and operate as efficiently as possible. What if the roof isn’t suitable for installation? Nevada Solar Group brings up its roofing services, which will be discussed further. Is the installation costly? No, it is cost-effective! PV module installation is a one-time cost that gets compensated by rebates, grants, solar panel tax credit, and solar investments. By the way, lately described financial gifts come when an individual decides to go solar with Nevada Solar Group.


Tesla Powerwall

Yes, Nevada Solar Group has such a new product offering! What is Tesla Powerwall? It is a home battery designed from lithium that revolutionized the home energy storage industry. The special feature of the battery system is its small size but high voltage. The reason you would love this equipment is its capability to provide solar energy with and without the sun. For the former case of with-the-sun functioning, the powerwall starts conserving sun power as soon as the sun rises. Being a piece of smart equipment, it senses when PV modules produce excess energy and starts collecting the extra energy for later use upon demand. For the latter case of without-the-sun functioning, it senses times of the day when costs of electricity are lower than usual and starts collecting at that period. As soon as electricity costs start rising, it stops charging power. For the occasions of blackouts or power outages, the powerwall always has an energy to supply. Whenever an electricity loss happens, the powerwall automatically turns into the primary source of energy at the house. On top of lately discussed notions, the battery system offered by Nevada Solar Group is a DC-coupled one. Taking that into account, it is of utmost importance to mention that the Tesla Powerwall cost is relatively low if compared to other AC-coupled home batteries.


EV Charger

This product offering from Nevada Solar Group will particularly interest electric car owners. However, it may motivate others to switch from ordinary cars to electric ones – let’s not forget about environmental sustainability. Well, well, what are EV chargers? Not to overwhelm you with the terminology, it is an energy supply equipment designed to power an electric vehicle. Consumers prefer home EV chargers over public ones. The main reason behind this is the former’s capability to be inside the car and have 24/7 accessibility to your car. Depending on your preference of driving style, day-to-day commute, as well as electric car’s range, the choice of a charger based on the amperage will be specifically chosen for you. What regards the cost of the charger designed for electric vehicles, it is half the payment for annual gas fuels and refuels. Plus, with such an affordable price, you get an electric car charger that is usable for many years due to the warranty provided by the company. What’s more, the same equipment can be adjusted and used for another car of your choice.



As mentioned above, roofing services are an integral part of the whole installation procedure. If your roof is in bad condition, it will be renovated prior to the installation. There is no need to worry about it because every roof has a lifespan and needs to be renovated once a specified period of time. For roof renovation, there are a plethora of options to choose from, such as asphalt shingles. However, Nevada Solar Group provides you roofing services through solar shingles – energy efficient and beautifully designed equipment. By choosing to go solar alongside roof renovation, you directly point out the utilization of solar shingles. These products give you the opportunity to save money on the purchase, get solar modules and a new roof at once.


Final Note

Dear customer, we hope you already love what Nevada Solar Group has prepared for you! Even though the company seems new to you, it is worth mentioning that it is a sister company of the professional in the field – LA Solar Group. Nevada Solar Group’s product & service offerings are unique to the brand, high-quality, affordable, environmentally-friendly, and savvy.

Take advantage of the company’s product & service offerings – enjoy the solar benefits of environmental and financial kind.

The author of a publication: Veronika Abrahamyan

The post What Nevada Solar Group Has Prepared For You? appeared first on Nevada Solar Group.


Nevada Solar Plans: Huge Solar Array North of Las Vegas

Nevada is home to some of the brightest sun available. It’s only natural that it is considered an excellent renewable energy source. For tha...